python - Plot numpy rec array with date -

i read pickled numpy array structure:

>>> h.shape (256,) >>> h[:10] rec.array([(, 1, 2), 1, -3, 1014),        (, 1, 3), 3, -6, 1016),        (, 1, 4), 0, -9, 1023),        (, 1, 5), 1, -6, 1023),        (, 1, 6), 3, -2, 1026),        (, 1, 7), 2, -1, 1029),        (, 1, 8), -1, -1, 1027),        (, 1, 9), -1, -2, 1025),        (, 1, 10), -1, -2, 1025),        (, 1, 11), 3, 3, 1020)],        dtype=[('date', '|o4'), ('high', '|i1'), ('low', '|i1'), ('pres', '<i2')]) 

and can't find how plot matplotlib. tried use plt.plot_date(...) on combination error. can point me right direction how plot simple line graph x-axis date , y-axis other value array, let's pres labeled data?

given h numpy.recarray can achieve basic plotting using

plt.plot_date(, h.pres, linestyle='-', marker=none) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() # optional; included format x-axis dates 

further customization might needed plot way want it. enter image description here


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