java - How to do yahoo integration in Android? -
i'm developing yahoo login integration in android app , return main activity. have completed steps of yahoo integration.i have spent several days searching yahoo integration in android cant find proper way.when run code , proper sign in yahoo email , when click agree button comes call_back url. please can code
public class requesttokaenactivity2 extends activity { private oauthconsumer consumer; private oauthprovider provider; private sharedpreferences yahooprefs; private commonshttpoauthconsumer myconsumer; private commonshttpoauthprovider myprovider; private string requesttoken; private string accesstoken; public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); try { consumer=new commonshttpoauthconsumer(c1.consumer_key,c1.consumer_secret); consumer.setmessagesigner(new hmacsha1messagesigner()); httpclient httpcliet=new defaulthttpclient(); provider=new commonshttpoauthprovider(c1.request_url,c1.access_url,c1.authorize_url,httpcliet); provider.setoauth10a(true); string strurl=provider.retrieverequesttoken(consumer,c1.oauth_callback_url); requesttoken=consumer.gettoken(); startactivity(new intent(intent.action_view,uri.parse(strurl))); } catch(exception ex) { toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),ex.getmessage(),toast.length_long).show(); log.e(ex.getmessage(), ex.tostring()); } } @override public void onnewintent(intent intent) { super.onnewintent(intent); yahooprefs=preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(getbasecontext()); final uri uri=intent.getdata(); if(uri!=null && uri.getscheme().equals(c1.oauth_callback_scheme)) { log.i(c1.tag, "callback received : " + uri); log.i(c1.tag, "retrieving access token"); getaccesstoken(uri); } } private void getrequesttoken() { try { string url=provider.retrieverequesttoken(consumer, c1.oauth_callback_url); intent i=new intent(intent.action_view , uri.parse(url)).setflags(intent.flag_activity_single_top | intent.flag_activity_no_history | intent.flag_from_background ); this.startactivity(i); } catch(exception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); log.e(c1.tag, "error retrieving request token", e1); } } private void getaccesstoken(uri uri) { final string oauthverifier=uri.getqueryparameter(oauth.oauth_verifier); final editor edit=yahooprefs.edit(); edit.putstring(oauth.oauth_token,consumer.gettoken()); edit.putstring(oauth.oauth_token_secret,consumer.gettokensecret()); edit.commit(); string token=yahooprefs.getstring(oauth.oauth_token, ""); string secret=yahooprefs.getstring(oauth.oauth_token_secret,""); consumer.settokenwithsecret(token, secret); this.startactivity(new intent(this,oauthmain.class)); log.i(c1.tag, "access token retrieved"); } } public class c1 { public static final string consumer_key = "xxxxxxxxxx"; public static final string consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxxxx"; public static final string scope = ""; public static final string request_url = ""; // public static final string access_url = ""; //" public static final string authorize_url = ""; //" //public static final string unauthorize_url = ""; public static final string get_contacts_from_yahoo_request="{guid}/contacts"; public static final string encoding = "utf-8"; public static final string oauth_callback_scheme = "http"; public static final string oauth_callback_host = ""; public static final string oauth_callback_url = oauth_callback_scheme + "://" + oauth_callback_host; public static final string app_name = "demo_oauth1"; public static final string tag = null; }
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