Modify batch script to conditionally write files -

i have batch file below copied internet. need it. batch takes output command or other batch , echos output both console , specified file. echoing console fine there way write file when condition met? may if echoed text contains string "logmessage". if 2 messages echoed command or batch, message 1: "hello, how you?" message 2: "logmessage thanks, good."

the message 1 should displayed on console , message 2 should displayed both on console , in file.

@echo off :: check windows version if not "%os%"=="windows_nt" goto syntax  :: keep variables local setlocal  :: check command line arguments set append=0 if /i [%1]==[-a] (     set append=1     shift ) if     [%1]==[] goto syntax if not [%2]==[] goto syntax  :: test invalid wildcards set counter=0 /f %%a in ('dir /a /b %1 2^>nul') call :count "%%~fa" if %counter% gtr 1 (     set counter=     goto syntax )  :: valid filename seems have been specified set file=%1  :: check if directory specified name exists dir /ad %file% >nul 2>nul if not errorlevel 1 (     set file=     goto syntax )  :: specify /y switch windows 2000 / xp copy command set y= ver | find "windows nt" > nul if errorlevel 1 set y=/y  :: flush existing file or create new 1 if -a wasn't specified if %append%==0 (copy %y% nul %file% > nul 2>&1)  :: actual tee /f "tokens=1* delims=]" %%a in ('find /n /v ""') (     >  con    echo.%%b     >> %file% echo.%%b )  :: done endlocal goto:eof   :count set /a counter += 1 set file=%1 goto:eof   :syntax echo. echo tee.bat,  version 2.11a windows nt 4 / 2000 / xp echo display text on screen , redirect file simultaneously echo. if not "%os%"=="windows_nt" echo usage:  some_command  ¦  tee.bat  [ -a ]  filename if not "%os%"=="windows_nt" goto skip echo usage:  some_command  ^|  tee.bat  [ -a ]  filename :skip echo. echo where:  "some_command" command output should redirected echo         "filename"     file output should redirected echo         -a             appends output of command file,     echo                        rather overwriting file     echo. echo. echo written rob van der woude echo echo modified kees couprie echo echo , andrew cameron 

... :: actual tee /f "tokens=1* delims=]" %%a in ('find /n /v ""') (     >  con    echo.%%b     echo "%%b"|find "logmessage" >nul     if errorlevel 1 >> %file% echo.%%b ) ... 

the find attempts locate target string in message recorded. if found, errorlevel set 0, non-0 otherwise.

do not try use syntax "if %errorlevel%==0" here since it's in statement block , construct not interpret errorlevel find, stood when for parsed.

suppress "don't write log" flag, try

:: actual tee setlocal enabledelayedexpansion /f "tokens=1* delims=]" %%a in ('find /n /v ""') ( set message=%%b if defined message set message=!message:logmessage=!

con echo(!message! if "%%b"=="!message!" >> %file% echo(%%b ) endlocal

which should delete string "logmesssage" (in either case) , - bit seems reversed - not log line file, send line, flag "logmessage" expunged, console. perhaps "skiplog" better string...


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