java - what is the meaning of 3 ) in snmp? -

i wrote snmp application test printer status.

when give check printer status got ( 3) output.

newvars = cominterface.getmibentry(itemids); 

if knows, please me.

not sure library use perform above operation. if can convert java code sequence of operations can repeat step step on mib browser, should able interpret meaning.

for example, column named prtmarkerstatus in prtmarkertable, defined in printer-mib (original rfc,

because column, hardly understand mean "when give check printer status got ( 3) output". snmp request on wire? next, bulk, or another? meaningless send that's invalid.

the proper way manage printers, digest rfc 3805, documents tables defined in it, , columns mean. once understand how mib document models printers, should easy write correct java code walk tables , grab data need.


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