Java - Creating Dynamic Vertex + Edges (Dijkstra Algorithm) -

i'm trying generate vertex + edges dynamically, i'm getting errors when try compute shortest path between coordinates.

package maze_drawing;  import; import; import; import java.util.priorityqueue; import java.util.list; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections;  class vertex implements comparable<vertex> {  public final string name;  public static string facedirection;  public edge[] adjacencies;  public double mindistance = double.positive_infinity;  public vertex previous;  public vertex(string argname) {     name = argname; } public string tostring() {     return name; } public int compareto(vertex other) {     return, other.mindistance); } } class edge  { public final vertex target; public final string direction; public edge(vertex argtarget, string argdirection){     target = argtarget;     direction = argdirection;    }  }  public class testdijkstra3 { public static void computepaths(vertex source, string facedirection) {      source.mindistance = 0;     double turningweight = 0;     string robotdirection = facedirection;     priorityqueue<vertex> vertexqueue = new priorityqueue<vertex>(); vertexqueue.add(source);  while (!vertexqueue.isempty()) {     vertex u = vertexqueue.poll();          // visit each edge exiting u         (edge e : u.adjacencies)         {             vertex v =;             //double weight = e.weight;             string direction = e.direction; //direction destination               double distancethroughu = u.mindistance + 10 + turningweight;     if (distancethroughu < v.mindistance) {         vertexqueue.remove(v);          v.mindistance = distancethroughu ;         v.previous = u;                  robotdirection = direction;          vertexqueue.add(v);     }         }     } }  public static list<vertex> getshortestpathto(vertex target) {     list<vertex> path = new arraylist<vertex>();     (vertex vertex = target; vertex != null; vertex = vertex.previous)         path.add(vertex);      collections.reverse(path);     return path; }  public static void main(string args[]) throws filenotfoundexception, unsupportedencodingexception {     int startx = 0;     int starty = 0;     int endx = 3;     int endy = 3;     string facing = "n";     string start = ""+startx+""+starty;     string end = ""+endx+""+endy;      vertex v00 = new vertex("00"); vertex v10 = new vertex("10"); vertex v20 = new vertex("20"); vertex v30 = new vertex("30");     vertex v40 = new vertex("40");     vertex v50 = new vertex("50");     vertex v60 = new vertex("60"); vertex v01 = new vertex("01"); vertex v11 = new vertex("11"); vertex v21 = new vertex("21");     vertex v31 = new vertex("31");     vertex v41 = new vertex("41");     vertex v51 = new vertex("51");     vertex v61 = new vertex("61"); vertex v02 = new vertex("02"); vertex v12 = new vertex("12"); vertex v22 = new vertex("22"); vertex v32 = new vertex("32");     vertex v42 = new vertex("42");     vertex v52 = new vertex("52");     vertex v62 = new vertex("62"); vertex v03 = new vertex("03"); vertex v13 = new vertex("13");     vertex v23 = new vertex("23"); vertex v33 = new vertex("33");     vertex v43 = new vertex("43");     vertex v53 = new vertex("53");     vertex v63 = new vertex("63");     vertex v04 = new vertex("04"); vertex v14 = new vertex("14"); vertex v24 = new vertex("24"); vertex v34 = new vertex("34");     vertex v44 = new vertex("44");     vertex v54 = new vertex("54");     vertex v64 = new vertex("64");     vertex v05 = new vertex("05"); vertex v15 = new vertex("15"); vertex v25 = new vertex("25"); vertex v35 = new vertex("35");     vertex v45 = new vertex("45");     vertex v55 = new vertex("55");     vertex v65 = new vertex("65");     vertex v06 = new vertex("06"); vertex v16 = new vertex("16"); vertex v26 = new vertex("26"); vertex v36 = new vertex("36");     vertex v46 = new vertex("46");     vertex v56 = new vertex("56");     vertex v66 = new vertex("66");  v00.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v10,  "e"), new edge(v01,  "n") }; v10.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v00,  "s"), new edge(v20,  "e") }; v20.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v10,  "w"), new edge(v21,  "n"), new edge(v30,  "e") };     v30.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v20,  "w"), new edge(v31,  "n"), new edge(v40,  "e") };     v40.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v30,  "w"), new edge(v50,  "e") };     v50.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v40,  "w"), new edge(v51,  "n") };     v60.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v61,  "n") };     v01.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v02,  "n"), new edge(v00,  "s") };     v11.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v12,  "n") };     v21.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v31,  "e"), new edge(v20,  "s") };     v31.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v21,  "w"), new edge(v30,  "s") };     v41.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v51,  "e"), new edge(v42,  "n") };     v51.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v50,  "s"), new edge(v41,  "w") };     v61.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v60,  "s"), new edge(v62,  "n") };     v02.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v01,  "s"), new edge(v03,  "n") };     v12.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v11,  "s"), new edge(v13,  "n"), new edge(v22,  "e") };     v22.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v12,  "w"), new edge(v32,  "e") };     v32.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v22,  "w"), new edge(v42,  "e") };     v42.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v32,  "w"), new edge(v41,  "s"), new edge(v43,  "n") };     v52.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v62,  "e") };     v62.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v52,  "w"), new edge(v61,  "s"), new edge(v63,  "n") };     v03.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v13,  "e"), new edge(v02,  "s"), new edge(v04,  "n") };     v13.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v03,  "w"), new edge(v23,  "e"), new edge(v12,  "s") }; v23.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v13,  "w"), new edge(v33,  "e") };     v33.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v34,  "n"), new edge(v23,  "w") };     v43.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v42,  "s"), new edge(v44,  "n"), new edge(v53,  "e") };     v53.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v43,  "w") };     v63.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v62,  "s"), new edge(v64,  "n") };     v04.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v05,  "n"), new edge(v03,  "s") };     v14.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v15,  "n"), new edge(v24,  "e") }; v24.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v14,  "w"), new edge(v25,  "n") };     v34.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v33,  "s"), new edge(v35,  "n") };     v44.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v45,  "n"), new edge(v43,  "s") };     v54.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v64,  "e") };     v64.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v54,  "w"), new edge(v65,  "n"), new edge(v63,  "s") };     v05.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v06,  "n"), new edge(v04,  "s") };     v15.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v14,  "s") }; v25.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v26,  "n"), new edge(v24,  "s") };     v35.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v36,  "n"), new edge(v34,  "s") };     v45.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v55,  "e"), new edge(v44,  "s") };     v55.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v45,  "w") };     v65.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v64,  "s"), new edge(v66,  "n") };     v06.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v16,  "e"), new edge(v05,  "s") };     v16.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v06,  "w"), new edge(v26,  "e") }; v26.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v16,  "w"), new edge(v25,  "s") };     v36.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v35,  "s"), new edge(v46,  "e") };     v46.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v36,  "w"), new edge(v56,  "e") };     v56.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v46,  "w"), new edge(v66,  "e") };     v66.adjacencies = new edge[]{ new edge(v56,  "w"), new edge(v65,  "s") };  vertex[] vertices = { v00, v10, v20, v30, v40, v50, v60, v01, v11, v21, v31, v41, v51, v61, v02, v12, v22, v32, v42, v52, v62, v03, v13, v23, v33, v43, v53, v63, v04, v14, v24, v34, v44, v54, v64, v05, v15, v25, v35, v45, v55, v65, v06, v16, v26, v36, v46, v56, v66 };      vertex[] vertices2 = new vertex[49];      system.out.println("start");      hentmazefil mazefile = new hentmazefil();     string linecoords;      vertex v[] = new vertex[67];     string rest[] = new string[67];     string wholeline[] = new string[49];      (int = 0; < 49; i++) {         linecoords = mazefile.nextlinecoords();          if (linecoords != null) {             v[integer.parseint(linecoords.substring(0, 2))] = new vertex(linecoords.substring(0, 2));             rest[integer.parseint(linecoords.substring(0, 2))] = new string(linecoords.substring(2, 6));             wholeline[i] = linecoords;         }         else {             system.out.println("line = null"); // end of while loop.              break;         }         linecoords = mazefile.nextlinecoords(); // skipping "extra lines" linux files.     }      //system.out.println(vertices);     //system.out.println(vertices2);      string line;     //adding edges     (int = 0; < 49; i++) {         line = wholeline[i];         v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))] = new vertex(line.substring(0, 2));         rest[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))] = new string(line.substring(2, 6));              if (line.charat(2) == '0') {                 if (line.charat(3) == '0') {                     if (line.charat(4) == '0') {                         if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") ,new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                         }                         else {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") ,new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s")};                         }                     }                     else if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") ,new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                         }                     else {                         v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") ,new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e")};                      }                 }                 else if (line.charat(4) == '0') {                         if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                         }                         else {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") , new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s")};                         }                 }                 else if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                     v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n") , new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                 }                 else {                     v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+1], "n")};                 }              }             else if (line.charat(3) == '0') {                     if (line.charat(4) == '0') {                         if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                         }                         else {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s")};                         }                     }                     else if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                         v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                     }                     else {                         v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))+10], "e")};                     }              }             else if(line.charat(4) == '0') {                         if (line.charat(5) == '0') {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s"), new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-10], "w")};                         }                         else {                             v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))].adjacencies = new edge[] {new edge (v[integer.parseint(line.substring(0, 2))-1], "s")};                         }                     }      }//end of loop      int z = 0;     (int = 0; < 67; i++) {         if (v[i] != null) {             vertices2[z] = v[i];             //system.out.println(vertices2[z]);             z++;         }      }      system.out.println("v[0] = "+v[0]);     (edge e :v[0].adjacencies) {         system.out.println("target: ";     }     system.out.println("v[1] = "+v[1]);     (edge e :v[1].adjacencies) {         system.out.println("target: ";     }      system.out.println("end");      (int = 0; < 49; i++) {         if (vertices[i].tostring().equals(start)) {             computepaths(vertices[i], facing);         }     }      (int = 0; < 49; i++) {         if (vertices[i].tostring().equals(end)) {             system.out.println("distance " + vertices[i] + ": " + vertices[i].mindistance);             list<vertex> path = getshortestpathto(vertices[i]);             system.out.println("path: " + path);              printwriter writer = new printwriter("traversalfile.txt", "utf-8");              (int j = 0; j < path.size()-1; j++) {                 int directionvalue = integer.parseint(path.get(j+1).tostring())-integer.parseint(path.get(j).tostring());                 if (directionvalue == 1) {                     system.out.println("n");                     writer.println("n");                 }                 else if (directionvalue == 10) {                     system.out.println("e");                     writer.println("e");                 }                 else if (directionvalue == -1) {                     system.out.println("s");                     writer.println("s");                 }                 else if (directionvalue == -10) {                     system.out.println("w");                     writer.println("w");                 }                 else {                     system.out.println("something went wrong");                 }             }             writer.close();          }      }  } } 

as see, there's 2 options along code: solution, hardcoded vertex + edges (first part), working fine, , more dynamic approach, read .txt file, , should convert these readings vertex + edges. error is, when change "vertices" --> "vertices2", in end of code, should use dynamic vertex method, , error: "start v[0] = 00 target: 01 target: 10 v[1] = 01 target: 02 target: 00 end exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ maze_drawing.testdijkstra3.computepaths( @ maze_drawing.testdijkstra3.main( //this @ "computepaths(vertices2[i], facing);" java result: 1"

however, if run "vertices" (as in code above), result fine:

start v[0] = 00 target: 01 target: 10 v[1] = 01 target: 02 target: 00 end distance 33: 60.0 path: [00, 01, 02, 03, 13, 23, 33] n n n e e e

for reason, there must kind of difference, between "vertices" & "vertices2". if print them in loop, get:

output: v1: 00 v2: 00 v1: 10 v2: 01 v1: 20 v2: 02 v1: 30 v2: 03 v1: 40 v2: 04 ... etc

it goes wrong here:

int z = 0;     (int = 0; < 67; i++) {         if (v[i] != null) {             vertices2[z] = v[i];             system.out.println(vertices2[z]);             z++;         }      } 

so have 2 problems: 1. can't seem figure out how change above loop, read @10 first (see "" how should look), , @1. 2. still think "computepath" should work, though arrays order kinda messed in vertices2, doesn't.

can see problem ?

thanks in advance. :

package maze_drawing;  import; import java.util.scanner;  public class hentmazefil { file; string linecoords; scanner input;  public hentmazefil() {     file = new"");     try {         input = new scanner(file);     } catch (filenotfoundexception ex) {         system.out.println("file dont exist");     } }  public string nextlinecoords() {     if (input.hasnext()) {         linecoords = input.nextline();          return linecoords;     }     return null; } }

000011  101010  200010  300010  401010  500110  600111  010101  110111  211001  311100  410011  511100  610101  020101  120001  221010  321010  420100  521011  620100  030001  131000  231010  330110  430001  531110  630101  040101  140011  240110  340101  440101  541011  640100  050101  151101  250101  350101  451001  551110  650101  061001  161010  261100  361001  461010  561010  661100 


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