c# - Trying to understand how i can bind a WPF DP in a different class -

i trying wpf develop tiny scoreboard.

in project have 3 xaml files.

controldisplay.xaml : here set points team 1 , team 2 in scoreboard. right have 1 textbox scoreboard title.

layout1.xaml : first layout, contains title now.

layout2.xaml : second layout, same above, contains title.

my idea following. update 1 singleton class has 1 property title. both layout1 , layout2's label title bind singleton class property title.

i created basic structure it.


public partial class controldisplay : window {     private iscoreboarddata _scoreboarddata;     private layout1 _layout1;     private layout2 _layout2;      public controldisplay()     {         initializecomponent();         _scoreboarddata = simpleinjectorcontainer.container.getinstance<iscoreboarddata>();     }      private void showlayout1(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         _scoreboarddata.title = "test";         _layout1 = new layout1();         _layout1.show();     }      private void showlayout2(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         _scoreboarddata.title = "test";         _layout2 = new layout2();         _layout2.show();     } } 

layout1.xaml.cs (layout2 copy of layout1 codewise, different class name)

public partial class layout1 : window {     private iscoreboarddata _scoreboarddata;      public layout1()     {         _scoreboarddata = simpleinjectorcontainer.container.getinstance<iscoreboarddata>();         initializecomponent();     } } 


<window x:class="smallscoreboard.layout1" .... x:name="layoutone">     <stackpanel>         <label datacontext="{binding elementname=layoutone}" content="{binding _scoreboarddata.title}" />     </stackpanel> </window> 


public scoreboarddata : iscoreboarddata {     public string title { get; set; } } 

this not work since don't register dependency property anywhere? how can register dependency property inside scoreboarddata class? or there better way solve this? want able add more layouts in future , hope don't have add base binding logic each , of layout(x).xaml.cs files.


this layout1.xaml file right now:

<window x:class="simple_scoreboard.layout1"         xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"         xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"         title="layout" height="500" width="800"          scrollviewer.verticalscrollbarvisibility="hidden" scrollviewer.horizontalscrollbarvisibility="hidden"          windowstyle="none"         allowstransparency="true"         resizemode="canresizewithgrip"         x:name="layoutone" mouseleftbuttondown="dwindow_mouseleftbuttondown">     <stackpanel>         <label content="{binding path=title, mode=onetime}" fontsize="30" horizontalalignment="center" horizontalcontentalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" verticalcontentalignment="center" margin="0,10,0,0" fontweight="bold"></label>     <button content="button" click="button_click_1"/>     </stackpanel>     </window> 

and layout1.xaml.cs

public partial class layout1 : window     {         public iscoreboarddata _scoreboarddata;          public layout1()         {             initializecomponent();             _scoreboarddata = scoreboardcontainer.container.getinstance<iscoreboarddata>();             datacontext = _scoreboarddata;         }          private void dwindow_mouseleftbuttondown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e)         {             dragmove();         }          private void button_click_1(object sender, routedeventargs e)         {                                     _scoreboarddata.title = "click change title";         } } 

and scoreboarddata class:

class scoreboarddata : iscoreboarddata, inotifypropertychanged     {         private string _title;         public string title         {             { return _title; }             set             {                 _title = value;                 if (propertychanged != null)                     propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("title"));             }         }            #region inotifypropertychanged          public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;          #endregion     } 

i think problem in binding private field _scoreboarddata; should make public property. better solution bind window datacontext.

in window constructor

public layout1() {     _scoreboarddata = simpleinjectorcontainer.container.getinstance<iscoreboarddata>();     initializecomponent();     datacontext = _scoreboarddata; } 

in xaml

<window x:class="smallscoreboard.layout1" .... x:name="layoutone">    <stackpanel>       <label text="{binding title}" />    </stackpanel> </window> 

this way have scoreboarddata window datacontext , bindings without explicitly specified source bind object.

update: scoreboarddata should implement inotifypropertychanged..

 public class scoreboarddata :iscoreboarddata, system.componentmodel.inotifypropertychanged  {      public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged;      private string _title;      public string title       {           { return _title; }           set            {               _title = value;                 if(propertychanged!=null)                   propertychanged(this,new propertychangedeventargs("title"));           }        }                   }  


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