tomcat - tom cat starts but html does't load -

i have ec2 box , have started tomcat server on same. can see in logs server has started. can telnet localhost , can html shown below. when try same in browser "http:ec2-*:9000/ doesn't respond. created instance using default settings. because of kind of firewall?

ubuntu@ip-10-250-38-240:~/apprickwebapp$ telnet localhost 9000 trying connected localhost. escape character '^]'.   http://localhost/ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en"    ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>     <title>apache tomcat</title> </head>  <body> <h1>it works !</h1>  <p>if you're seeing page via web browser, means you've setup tomcat successfully. congratulations!</p>  <p>this default tomcat home page. can found on local filesystem @     <code>/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/root/index.html</code></p>  <p>tomcat7 veterans might pleased learn system instance of tomcat installed <code>catalina_home</code> in <code>/usr/share/tomcat7</code> ,     <code>catalina_base</code> in <code>/var/lib/tomcat7</code>, following rules     <code>/usr/share/doc/tomcat7-common/running.txt.gz</code>.</p>  <p>you might consider installing following packages, if haven't done so:</p>  <p><b>tomcat7-docs</b>: package installs web application allows browse tomcat 7 documentation locally. once installed, can access clicking <a href="docs/">here</a>.</p>  <p><b>tomcat7-examples</b>: package installs web application allows access tomcat 7 servlet , jsp examples. once installed, can access clicking <a href="examples/">here</a>.</p>  <p><b>tomcat7-admin</b>: package installs 2 web applications can managing tomcat instance. once installed, can access <a href="manager/html">manager webapp</a> , <a href="host-manager/html">host-manager webapp</a>.<p>  <p>note: security reasons, using manager webapp restricted users role "manager". host-manager webapp restricted users role "admin". users defined in <code>/etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml</code>.</p>  </body> </html> 

you need open port 9000 in security group assigned instance. on aws ec2 console, go security groups on left, select group applied instance, @ bottom, select tab "inbound", port range "9000", source "".

then "add rule" , "apply rule change". that'll allow inbound port 9000 after short time.


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