- How to hard-code a GridView in my .aspx file? -

i want have gridview static data in it, not linked database or data source, , hard-code directly in aspx file.

i'm brand new , have no idea i'm doing, , whatever reason can't find online how this.

i'm trying create one-column table heading of "hello world" , 2 data items, "hello" , world". here i'm trying, nothing showing on page when run it:

<asp:gridview id="gridview" runat="server">     <columns>         <asp:templatefield headertext ="hello world">             <itemtemplate>                 <asp:label id="lblhello" runat ="server" text ="hello"/>             </itemtemplate>             <itemtemplate>                 <asp:label id="lblworld" runat ="server" text ="world"/>             </itemtemplate>         </asp:templatefield>     </columns> </asp:gridview> 

you want assign either ienumerable, dataset or datatable display data in gridview.

enter image description here

<asp:gridview id="gridview" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false">     <columns>         <asp:templatefield headertext="hello world">             <itemtemplate>                 <asp:label id="lblhello" runat="server"                  text='<%# eval("text1") %>' />                 <asp:label id="lblworld" runat="server"                  text='<%# eval("text2") %>' />             </itemtemplate>         </asp:templatefield>     </columns> </asp:gridview>  public class item {     public string text1 { get; set; }     public string text2 { get; set; } }  protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     gridview.datasource = new list<item>         {             new item {text1 = "hello", text2 = "world"}         };     gridview.databind(); } 


<script runat="server">     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         gridview.datasource =              new dictionary<string, string> { { "hello", "world" } };         gridview.databind();     } </script> <asp:gridview id="gridview" runat="server" autogeneratecolumns="false">     <columns>         <asp:templatefield headertext="hello world">             <itemtemplate>                 <asp:label id="lblhello" runat="server"                  text='<%# eval("key") %>' />                 <asp:label id="lblworld" runat="server"                  text='<%# eval("value") %>' />             </itemtemplate>         </asp:templatefield>     </columns> </asp:gridview> 


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