haskell - Monitoring GHC activity -

if ghc takes long time compile something, there way find out it's doing?

firstly, nice know if i've crashed compiler (i.e., put sort of infinite loop somehow), or whether it's making progress, slowly.

secondly, nice know part of compilation process ghc having trouble with. parsing, or desugaring, or type-checking, or core optimisation, or code generation, or...?

is there way monitor what's going on? (bearing in mind if ghc taking long time, means it's doing lot of work, if ask output it's going huge!)

ghc tells modules it's trying (re)compile. in case, problem single self-contained module. i'd know ghc getting stuck.

following daniel fischer's comment, tried running ghc different verbosity options.

  • -v1: produced bit more output, nothing during main compilation step.
  • -v2: tells step ghc doing (parser, desugar, type check, simplifier, etc). pretty wanted.
  • -v3: appears make simplifier dump it's doing console - bad idea while compiling 8mb of source code!

so seems -v2 place start.

(in specific case of program prompted question, seems ghc spending forever in type checking phase.)


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