android - StartActivity wont work from onclick event -

i'm trying log in facebook , pass user's info activity problem when run startactivity method intent onclick event gets freeze's , doesn't anything

i created class implements serializable holds couple of strings

then when user log in facebook create instance of class can pass on other activity

heres code:

session.openactivesession(me, true, new statuscallback()         {             @override             public void call(session session, sessionstate state, exception exception)              {                 if(session.isopened())                 {                     request.executemerequestasync(session, new request.graphusercallback()                      {                          @override                         public void oncompleted(graphuser user, response response)                         {                              if(user!=null)                              {                                       graphlocation location= user.getlocation();                                 string address = location.getstreet()+","+location.getcity()+","+location.getstate()+","+location.getcountry();                                 b.setvisibility(view.visible);                                   fuser = new fbuser(                                         user.getname(),                                         user.getfirstname(),                                         user.getlastname(),                                         user.getbirthday(),                                         user.getid(),                                         user.getinnerjsonobject(),                                         user.getlink(),                                         address,                                         user.getusername());                                }                         }                     });                 }             }         }); 

as can see set button visible , when user clicks button start activity , pass user object:

b.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {              @override             public void onclick(view v)              {                 final login log = (login) me;                  final fbuser user = fuser;                 final intent = new intent(getbasecontext(),profile.class);                 i.putextra("user", user);                 try                  {                 log.startactivity(i);                 }                 catch (exception e)                 {                     e.getmessage();                 }                                                    }         });      } 

but nothing happends button freeze's , nothing happends.

any ideas why happend?


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