selenium suite in ruby/rspec - how to run multiple cases and stay logged in? -

i have selenium suite in rspec.

how can run multiple cases , keep browser open , logged in between them?

i have test suite in selenium ide comprised of 20 unit cases.

i've exported both individual test cases , test suite file ruby/rspec

i can run individual tests , pass, e.g.

rspec spec/2day/units/set_qa_district_name_spec.rb 

however when tried run converted suite either

rake spec 


rspec spec/2day/complete_district_suite_spec.rb  

it runs each spec one-by-one bringing (and closing) application each test.

how can run suite , have browser 'stay' , logged in test test , not opening , closing down browser window each unit test runs.

i have run these tests in standalone directory i've created have kept separate rest of applications test areas, in other words have avoid use of rails itself.

i have set following gemfile / spec_helper / rake files in root directory these files follows:


gem 'rspec' gem 'selenium-webdriver' 


require "selenium-webdriver" require 'rspec' 


require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' desc "run examples" |t|   t.ruby_opts = %w[-w]   t.rspec_opts = %w[--color] end 

the contents of complete_district_suite.rb are:

env['rspec_color'] = 'true'  require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/set_qa_district_name_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/set_file_uploads_source_location_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/district_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/select_district_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_service_types_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_services_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_grades_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_schools_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_classrooms_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_students_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_ieps_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/upload_travel_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/manual_add_student_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/generate_basic_schedule_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/wait_for_dss_to_finish_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/view_schedules_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/visit_first_schedule_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/monday_1pm_new_appt_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/tuesday_2pm_new_5_students_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/wednesday_9am_5pm_new_1_student_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/thursday_9am_10am_new_1_manual_add_student_spec.rb") require file.join(file.dirname(__file__),  "units/friday_10am_11am_new_5_students_spec.rb") 

i think looking before(:all)

describe "search page"   before(:all)     @browser =   end    "should find contacts"     ...   end    after(:all)     @browser.kill! rescue nil   end end 

more info here


also include spec files in 1 line :-

dir[file.join(file.dirname(__file__), 'units') + "/*_spec.rb"].each { |file|             require file } 


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