icons - How to display Images in a wxListCtrl (multicolumn report style) -

i managed create wxlistctrls either icons or multicolumn text this

picture of 2 wxlistctrls

now i'd add icon each line of text list on left. thought should possible typical wxwidgets applications code::blocks , wxsmith diplay icons in list/tree views (resource browser window) , in tabs of notebooks (compiler log window). how can create this? (everybody knows windows explorer)

picture of explorer window icons

i tried this...

setimagelist (toolimages, wximage_list_normal); insertcolumn (0, "icon"); setcolumnwidth (0, 40); ... (int i=0; i<5; i++) {     insertitem (i, i);     setitemcolumnimage (i, 0, i);     setitem (i, 1, inttostr (i+1)); ... 

but can see, text gets displayd, image column blank. possible @ mix text , images in report mode? if not, other wxcontrol class can use desired result?

many in advance.

yes, possible, , listctrl sample shows how it, in particular see myframe::initwithreportitems() function. difference code seems use different insertitem() overload, perhaps should use insertitem(i, "") instead.

also check image list have 5 icons in it.

more generally, trying reduce differences between code , (working) sample find problem.


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