how to rebalance cassandra cluster after adding new node -
i had 3 node cassandra cluster replication factor of 2. nodes running either dsc1.2.3 or dsc1.2.4. each node had num_token value of 256 , initial_token commented. 3 node cluster balanced i.e. each owned around 30% of data.
one of nodes crashed started new node , nodetool removed node had crashed. new node got added cluster 2 older nodes have of data (47.0% , 52.3%) , new node has 0.7% of data.
the output of nodetool status is
datacenter: xx-xxxx =================== status=up/down |/ state=normal/leaving/joining/moving -- address load tokens owns host id rack un 649.78 mb 256 47.0% ba3534b3-3d9f-4db7-844d-39a8f98618f1 1c un 643.11 mb 256 52.3% 562f7c3f-986a-4ba6-bfda-22a10e384960 1a un 6.84 mb 256 0.7% 5ba6aff7-79d2-4d62-b5b0-c5c67f1e1791 1c
how balance cluster?
you didn't mention running repair on new node, if indeed haven't yet done it's cause of lack of data on new node.
until run nodetool repair new node hold new data gets written or data read-repair pulls in. vnodes shouldn't need re-balance, if i'm understanding vnodes correctly, haven't yet moved using vnodes may wrong that.
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