Java error! haven't seen solution elsewhere -

i writing program allow credit , debit of purchases 1 retailer , multiple buyers. after each buyer has purchased or made pmnt, need each transaction in monthly summary.
here have, error have @ point is: error: not statement                   displayprocestran;                      ^ error: not statement                 displayprostrans;                 ^ 

this program:

/*project4b, judith berk, cis 2110, 4/28/13*/  import*;  public class project4bdriver  {      public void main(string args[]) throws ioexception ;     {          project4b app;          app = new project4b();          app.appmain();     } } //end of class driverproject4b  class project4b  {      //data declarations       bufferedreader stdin;      string custname;      char transtype;      int transnum;      float transamt;      float prcnt;      float prcntchrg;      float tprcntchrg;      float runbal;      float begbal;      float endbal;      float tpmnt;      float tchrg;      int purchctr;      float hipurchamt;      string hipurchcust;      float avgpurch;      float comonthbal;      float cotnewchrg;      float cotpmnt;      float cobegbal;       public void appmain() throws ioexception ;     {         outputheader();         initreport();         getacctinfo();         initrunbal();          while (transnum != 0);         {              prostrans();         }           calculate average;          calculate runbal;          calculate interest;          display summary;     }      void outputheader();     {          //output report header          system.out.print("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");          system.out.println("project4b");          system.out.println("judith berk cis 2110");          system.out.println("supply chain monthly report");          system.out.print("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");     }      void initreport()      {          //standard input keyboard          stdin = new bufferedreader(new;           tpmnt = 0;          tchrg = 0;          purchctr = 0;          prcntchrg = 0;          tprcntchrg = 0;          hipurchamt = 0;          comonthlybal = 0;     }      public void getacctinfo() throws ioexception;     {          system.out.print("please enter customer name:");          custname = (stdin.readline());           system.out.print("please enter beginning balance customer:");          begbal = float.parsefloat(stdin.readline());           system.out.print("please enter customer's individual interest rate (i.e. 0.05, 0.03, 0.035):");          prcnt = float.parsefloat(stdin.readline());     }      void initrunbal()      {          runbal = begbal;     }      public void prostrans() throws ioexception;      {          transnum;     }      public void gettransnum() throws ioexception;      {          system.out.print("please enter transaction number:");          transnum = integer.parseint(stdin.readline());     }      public void gettransdetails() throws ioexception;      {          system.out.print("please enter transaction amount:");          transamt = float.parsefloat(stdin.readline());           system.out.print("please enter transaction type:");          transtype = (stdin.readline().charat(0));     }      void  calctpmnttchrgtprcntchrgandrunbal();     {           if ((transtype == "c") && (transtype ==  "c"))            {                  purchctr = purchctr + 1;                  prcntchrg = prcnt * transamt;                  runbal = runbal + transamt + prcntchrg;                  tchrg = tchrg + transamt;                  tprcntchrg = prcntchrg + prcntchrg;                   displayprocestran;                }             else if ((transtype == "p") && (transtype ==  "p"))             {                  runbal = runbal - transamt;                  tpmnt = tpmnt + transamt;                 displayprostrans;             }        }      void displayprostran();     {          system.out.println("*\n" + custname);          system.out.println("*\n" + transamt);          system.out.println("*\n" + runbal);     }      void updatehipurchcustandhipurchtot();     {         if (hipurchamt > tchrg);             {                  hipurchchrg = tchrge;                  hipurchname = custname;             }     }      void calcavgpurch();     {          avgpurch = tchrg / purchctr;     }      void initcomonthbal()     {          cobegbal;     }      {          system.out.print("enter company beginning balance");          cobegbal = float.parsefloat(stdin.readline());     }      void calccosummary();     {          comonthbal = cobegbal + tchrg - tpmnt;     }      void displaysummary()     {          system.out.print("customer name:\t" + custname);          system.out.print("customer beginning balance:\t" + begbal);          system.out.print("customer payments:\t" + tpmnt);          system.out.print("customer new charges:\t" + tchrg);          system.out.print("customer interest charge:\t" + tprcntchrg);          system.out.print("customer ending balance:\t" + runbal);           system.out.print("overall company ending balance:\t" + comonthlbal);          system.out.print("monthly average purchases:\t" + avgchrg);          system.out.print("monthly payments received:\t" + tpmnts);          system.out.print("customer highest monthly purchases:\t" + hipurchname);          system.out.print("highest monthly purchase amount:\t" + hipurchamt);     } } 

please me!

thanks judy



is not statement. perhaps mean


side note on error messages

@ first, error messages might seem little cryptic, let's @ your's. error: not statement displayprocestran; error: not statement displayprostrans; ^ 

well, it's telling found error ^ points to, @ end of displayprocestran. it's telling not statement. should tell you, have syntax error, means you've typed wrong. now, call methods stdin.readline() on place. should start try , make link why you're getting these errors.

other things i've noticed haven't seen mentioned


well, guess big 1 how unreadable methods are. java naming conventions explain how methods , variables should laid out. example:

displayprocestran --- > displayprocestran (i think) 


you've got methods like:

void initrunbal() {      runbal = begbal; } 

i'm not sure when user need use method. perhaps making it's access modifier private. ensuring interface presented users of classes, methods need. don't need know inner workings of class. that's called abstraction.

stuff won't compile

public void prostrans() throws ioexception; {      transnum; } 

that isn't valid java. i'm not sure want that. perhaps want return transnum? in case, should be:

public int gettransnum() {     return transnum; } 


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