cordova - Sencha Touch 2.2: list items render on top of each other in android phonegap app -
i'm experiencing weird issue on every third launch or of sencha touch 2.2 android phonegap app list items render on top of each other. drag list bit sorts out.
tried bunch of things: changing configs on list, removing custom css, adding scroll function scrolls down , again after list has finished rendering, no avail.
any ideas?
update: better description of setup.
the list inside of navigationview which, in turn, inside slidenavigationview (
the store set on initialization of list view.
list definition (a little bit simplified):
ext.define('labblistan.view.lablist', { extend: 'ext.dataview.list', xtype: 'lablist', requires: [ 'labblistan.controller.searchcontroller', 'ext.util.delayedtask', 'ext.plugin.pullrefresh', 'ext.segmentedbutton'], id: 'lablist', config: { grouped: true, infinite: true, usesimpleitems: true, variableheights: true, plugins: [{ xclass: 'ext.plugin.pullrefresh', pullrefreshtext: 'dra ned för att uppdatera!', lastupdatedtext: 'senast uppdaterad', loadingtext: 'förbereder uppdatering', releaserefreshtext: 'släpp för att uppdatera!', refreshfn: function (plugin) { confirmupdate(); } }], itemtpl: itemtemplate, //long , kinda complicated didn't include here onitemdisclosure: true, disableselection: true, indexbar: { right: '-10px' }, loadingtext: 'laddar', iconmask: true, scrolltotoponrefresh: false, cls: 'listan', items: items, //contains toolbar buttons improved sorting listeners: { initialize: function () { console.log('initialize list'); var dynstore = ext.getstore('labliststore'); this.setstore(dynstore); }, painted: function () { console.log('painted list'); settimeout(function () { ext.getcmp('listbar').enable(); }, 600); ext.viewport.setmasked(false); return false; }, hide: function () { console.log('hide list'); return false; } } } });
if you've upgraded app sencha 2.2 (rather generated new one), might have gotten mucked in upgrading of app.css (it when upgraded). lists revamped heavily in sencha 2.2, css pre-2.2 breaks lists.
if replace unsuccessfully upgraded app.css app.css that's created new sencha 2.2 app (sencha app generate
), should fix problem, or @ least did me. if doesn't work, adding:
.x-list .x-list-item{ position: relative !important; }
should work.
hope that's helpful!
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