css - Can I make a div transparent, but clickable -

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i using vertical slider whole webpage. move between each page want click top/ bottom of page navigate between slides. have placed div @ top , bottom of each page , when click div brings next/prev slide these divs covering of content on pages. there way make divs 'transparent' in colour still available click link? sorry if haven't explained myself new html css.

i'm not sure problem - divs empty default (there's nothing in them make transparent) long have assigned clickable div dimensions should create region can click on located on page.

e.g. http://jsfiddle.net/pwpad/ [top 50px pixels of box clickable].

div {     width: 300px;     height: 300px; } #backdiv {     background-color: #f0f; }  #topdiv {     height: 50px;     cursor: pointer; } 

if i've not understood question let me know. maybe can provide code?


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