android - Adding text to a custom TextView is not visible -
hi have problem custom textview.i trying add text custom textview programmatically,but, not appear
public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); linearlayout container1 = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(; linearlayout container2 = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(; animview = new myanimationview(this); animview.setminimumwidth(200); animview.setminimumheight(200); animview.settext("xxxxx"); animview.setlayoutparams(new linearlayout.layoutparams(layoutparams.wrap_content,layoutparams.wrap_content,1f)); container1.addview(animview);
and customview class inner class of mainactivity is
public class myanimationview extends textview implements valueanimator.animatorupdatelistener { public final arraylist<shapeholder> balls = new arraylist<shapeholder>(); public final arraylist<rectholder> rects = new arraylist<rectholder>(); animatorset animation = null; animatorset clickanimation=null; private float mdensity; public canvas can=new canvas(); public myanimationview(context context) { super(context); mdensity = getcontext().getresources().getdisplaymetrics().density; shapeholder ball0 = addball(50f, 200f); rectholder newline = addline(40f,150f); } public void beginanimation(int pos) { createselectionanimation(pos); clickanimation.start(); } private void createselectionanimation(int pos) { clickanimation=new animatorset(); animation anim=animationutils.loadanimation(getbasecontext(), r.animator.scale); if(pos==1) animview.startanimation(anim); else if(pos==2) animview1.startanimation(anim); else if(pos==3) animview2.startanimation(anim); else animview3.startanimation(anim); objectanimator animalpha = objectanimator.offloat(balls.get(0), "alpha", 1.0f, 0.0f).setduration(500); objectanimator animrect = objectanimator.offloat(rects.get(0), "alpha", 1.0f, 0.0f).setduration(500); clickanimation.playtogether(animrect,animalpha); animalpha.addupdatelistener(this); animrect.addupdatelistener(this); } private void createanimation() { if (animation == null) { objectanimator anim1 = objectanimator.offloat(balls.get(0), "y", balls.get(0).gety(), balls.get(0).gety()-200f).setduration(2000); animation = new animatorset(); animation.playtogether(anim1); anim1.addupdatelistener(this); } } private shapeholder addball(float x, float y) { ovalshape circle = new ovalshape(); circle.resize(90f * mdensity, 150f * mdensity); shapedrawable drawable = new shapedrawable(circle); shapeholder shapeholder = new shapeholder(drawable); shapeholder.setx(x); shapeholder.sety(y); int red = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int green = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int blue = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int color = 0xff000000 | red << 16 | green << 8 | blue; paint paint = drawable.getpaint(); //new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag); int darkcolor = 0xff000000 | red/4 << 16 | green/4 << 8 | blue/4; gradient = new radialgradient(37.5f, 32.5f, 110f, color, darkcolor, shader.tilemode.clamp); paint.setshader(gradient); shapeholder.setpaint(paint); balls.add(shapeholder); return shapeholder; } private rectholder addline(float x,float y) { rectshape rect=new rectshape(); rect.resize(10f * mdensity, 15f * mdensity); shapedrawable drawable = new shapedrawable(rect); rectholder rectholder = new rectholder(drawable); rectholder.setx(x); rectholder.sety(y); //can.drawline(45, 150f,45f,160f, paint1); int red = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int green = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int blue = (int)(100 + math.random() * 155); int color = 0xff000000 | red << 16 | green << 8 | blue; paint paint = drawable.getpaint(); //new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag); int darkcolor = 0xff000000 | red/4 << 16 | green/4 << 8 | blue/4; gradient = new radialgradient(37.5f, 32.5f, 110f, color, darkcolor, shader.tilemode.clamp); paint.setshader(gradient); rectholder.setpaint(paint); rects.add(rectholder); return rectholder; } @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) { shapeholder shapeholder = balls.get(0); rectholder rectholder=rects.get(0); paint paint =getpaint(); paint.settextsize(20f); paint.setcolor(color.parsecolor("#aaffee")); paint.setstrokewidth(10f); paint.setshader(gradient);; canvas.translate(shapeholder.getx(), shapeholder.gety()); shapeholder.getshape().draw(canvas); canvas.translate(rectholder.getx(), rectholder.gety()); rectholder.getshape().draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } public void startanimation() { createanimation(); animation.start(); } public void onanimationupdate(valueanimator animation) { invalidate(); } }
please me in this.
call super.ondraw() first in myanimationview.ondraw() method.
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