mysql - Find Next Previous records with sorting -

i'd make navigation links of search result, not sure how previous , next ids in mysql?

let's say, user searching stuff , ordered year, , result set like:

id   year 444  2013 333  2013 555  2013  <---- user clicks here (i.e. known id 555) 777  2012 111  2012 

how previous , next ids (333, 777)?

updated answer

you can try query this, if can you.

select id tablename phones '99091505' , id = 555 order year   union   (select id tablename phones '99091505' , id < 555 order year desc limit 1)  union   (select id tablename phones '99091505' , id > 555 order year asc limit 1) 

old answer

this not specific solution general idea achieve want!

at first, should save total number of rows found somewhere specific search.

so when user first time shown search result, show him first link, , keep track next 2nd link.

so user clicks next button, create query select xvy tablename abc=def order year limit 1,1

so if user on 5th search result page , clicks on next button, query like

select id tablename abc=def order year limit 5,1; 

i think better programming language, not mysql query.


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