Django: Built in way to generate HTML sitemaps (not XML) -

we're using django sitemap framework generate search engine friendly xml sitemap. works fine. it's nice use , customize own needs.

i know rewrite template used xml sitemap or generate list of pages in our system normal db queries , alike, it's hard believe there not preconfigured solution such common problem.

i want same list used in our xml sitemap in normal (html) frontend view.


what's best/default way build html sitemap intended people finding stuff on our site (instead of bots)?

you can embed xml generated sitemap processor in standard html

    url(r'^sitemap/','django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', \                       {'sitemaps'      : sitemaps,                        'template_name' : '<yoursite>/usr_sitemap.html',                        'mimetype'      : 'none'}), 

setting 'mimetype' none allow include html code in template used generation. produces html containing sitemap xml code. need style using css. sample template(usr_sitemap.html) be:

{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load staticfiles %}  {% block content %}  << content section of base.html  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" type='text/css' href='{% static '<yoursite>/your_css.css' %}'?> <urlset   xmlns=""   xmlns:news=""> {% spaceless %} {% url in urlset %}   <url>     <loc>{{ url.location }}</loc>     {% if url.lastmod %}<lastmod>{{ url.lastmod|date:"y-m-d" }}</lastmod>{% endif %}     {% if url.changefreq %}<changefreq>{{ url.changefreq }}</changefreq>{% endif %}     {% if url.priority %}<priority>{{ url.priority }}</priority>{% endif %}     <news:news>       <news:tag1> blabla  </news:tag1>       <news:tag2> blabla </news:tag2>     </news:news>    </url> {% endfor %} {% endspaceless %} </urlset> {% endblock %} 


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