php - Problems with nested array after using unset -

i have dynamically built nested array need drop 1 or more indexes.

having scoured php information pages, found using


would remove last set of data in array.

but, if try use


or other set apart last, messes output generated array.

for instance, if had a,b,c,d: can remove d without issue, if try remove a, blank radio button followed b,c, d missing when array data processed.

i assuming need reindex array, every attempt i've made far has failed give required results, because i'm reindexing $quotes_array, whereas data need reindex within 'methods' indices.

is there way fix issue?

unsetting first element easy if use array_shift. array_shift pop first element off , reindex array you.


if need unset something in middle (such [ 2 ] out of [ 3 ]) use array_values. first unset element want remove, reindex them array_values.

unset($quotes_array[0]['methods'][2]); array_values($quotes_array[0]['methods']); 

if wanted remove last element of array use array_pop. array_pop pop last element off array. there no need reindex in situation.



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