.net - How to transfer data from one form to another in winforms c#? -

  1. i want create @ 5-6 forms in windows application insert data.
  2. each form contain at-least 15-20 controls. forms belongs different table. same.
  3. i have created stored "next"named button on each form, such when click on next button information filled on button store where
    , in way after storing information on last button submit button dragged, on clicking on submit button data got saved data base.
  4. please tell me how can store data inserted on previous forms , call on click event of submit button.

for having controls on same page , have used these codes insertion.

 private void submit_addbtn_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             try             {                 //personal data insert                 personal per = new personal();                 per.name = nametxt.text;                 per.fathername = f_nametxt.text;                 per.mothername = m_nametxt.text;                 per.gotra = gotra_txt.text;                 per.panth = panthcb.text;                 per.familyhead = fhntext.text;                 per.educationlvl = edulvlcb.text;                 per.education = educb.text;                 per.blood = bloodcb.text;                 per.gender = genderlist.text;                 per.marrital = marritalstatus;                 per.dateofbirth = dobdtp.text;                 if (new insertaction().insertpersonal(per))                 {                     messagebox.show("personal insertion happen ");                 }                 else                 {                     messagebox.show(" personal insertion not happen ");                 }                  // spouse data insert                 spouse sps = new spouse();                 sps.spousename = s_nametxt.text;                 sps.spouseeducationlvl = s_edulvlcb.text;                 sps.spouseeducation = s_educb.text;                 sps.spouseblood = s_bgcb.text;                 sps.spousedob = s_dobdtp.text;                 if (new insertaction().insertspouse(sps))                 {                     messagebox.show(" spouse insertion happen ");                 }                 else                 {                     messagebox.show(" spouse insertion not happen ");                 }                  // resident data insert                 ressident resi = new ressident();                 resi.ressihnumber = ressi_numtxt.text;                 resi.ressihcmplx = ressi_complextxt.text;                 resi.ressistrt = ressi_streettxt.text;                 resi.ressilandmrk = ressi_landtxt.text;                 resi.ressiarea = ressi_areatxt.text;                 resi.ressicity = ressi_citytxt.text;                 resi.ressiphone = convert.toint64(ressi_phnotxt.text);                 resi.ressimobile = convert.toint64(mobi_notxt.text);                 if (new insertaction().insertressident(resi))                 {                     messagebox.show(" ressident insertion happen ");                 }                 else                 {                     messagebox.show(" ressident insertion not happen ");                 }                 //occupation data insert                 occupation ocp = new occupation();                 ocp.occuptype = occup_typetxt.text;                 ocp.occupadd = office_addresstxt.text;                 ocp.occupnature = occup_naturecb.text;                 ocp.occupphone = convert.toint64(office_phno1txt.text);                 ocp.occupmobile = convert.toint64(office_mobnotxt.text);                 if (new insertaction().insertoccupation(ocp))                 {                     messagebox.show(" occupation insertion happen ");                 }                 else                 {                     messagebox.show(" occupation insertion not happen ");                 }               } 

please me. thank you.

for sending values between 2 forms, may

1-> send values in constructor of second form. may create paramterized constructor , send values when initialize form :

 form1 obj = new form1(object); 

2-> may take reference in first form in second form.

in second form,

public form1 objform1; 

and in first form,

form2 objform2=new form2(); form2.objform1=this; 

and can use form2's objform1 refer form1's textbox or control.

edit :

consider want send values form1 form2

in second form must have variable of type form1 refers prev form. in second form,

public form1 objform1; 

and need send current instance of form1 form2 as

form2 objform2=new form2(); form2.objform1=this; 

i.e. objform1 created in form2 refers instance of form1.

now in form2 may use of form1's control or variable as,

form1.textbox1 or form1.variable


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