jsf 2 - validator for custom components in JSF fails -

in custom component, have

<composite:interface>     <composite:editablevalueholder name="val_pwd" targets="form:pwd"/>     <composite:attribute name="name" required="true"/>     ..... </composite:interface> <composite:implementation>     <h:form id="form">         <h:panelgrid columns="3">             <h:outputtext value="#{cc.attrs.nameprompt}" />             <h:inputtext value="#{cc.attrs.name}" id="name"/>             <h:outputtext value="#{cc.attrs.passwordprompt}" />             <h:inputsecret value="#{cc.attrs.pwd}" id="pwd"/>             <h:commandbutton value="#{cc.attrs.submitbuttonvalue}" action="#{cc.attrs.actionmethod}"/>         </h:panelgrid>     </h:form> </composite:implementation> 

i have validator,

@facesvalidator("passwordval") public class passwordvalidator implements validator { public passwordvalidator() {     super(); }   @override public void validate(facescontext facescontext, uicomponent uicomponent, object object) throws validatorexception {     if(object instanceof string){         string s = (string) object;         if(s.contains("@"))             throw new validatorexception(new facesmessage(facesmessage.severity_error, "error","password cannot have @"));     } } } 

in jsf page, have

<h:body>           <util:ccwithcustomval nameprompt="r_name" passwordprompt="r_pwd" name="#{person.name}"       pwd="#{person.pwd}" actionmethod="#{person.action}" submitbuttonvalue="r_submit">             <f:validatelength for="val_name" maximum="5"/>         <f:validator validatorid="passwordval" for="val_pwd" />      </util:ccwithcustomval>   </h:body> 

however, fails exception

inputcomponent.xhtml @12,60 <f:validator> adf_faces-60085:parent not instance of  editablevalueholder: javax.faces.component.uinamingcontainer@4e18afaa 

the problem validator, if comment out page displays


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