ssl - Apache 2.2 SSLCADNRequestFile Option -

i'm configuring apache server on rhel5 httpd 2.2.3. users authenticate using smartcard several certificates, want limit choices browser displays specific one. we've figured out how using sslcadnrequestfile set .pem containing intermediate chain of specific type of certificate.

the problem have multiple name-based virtualhosts defined on single ip. appears apache sends response browser on certificates accepts based on first vhost on ip, if servername not match. unless define sslcadnrequestfile in first vhost or @ server level, cannot limit certificate choices. additionally, every other vhost impacted setting.

is there way use name-based vhost , define sslcadnrequestfile per vhost? configuration little different, there other issues @ play, below config.

namevirtualhost *:443 <virtualhost *:443>     sslengine on     sslprotocol -sslv2     sslciphersuite all:!adh:!export:!sslv2:rc4+rsa:+high:+medium:+low     sslcertificatefile /etc/pki/tls/certs/certificate.crt     sslcertificatekeyfile /etc/pki/tls/private/private.key     sslcacertificatefile /etc/pki/tls/certs/root-certs.pem     sslcadnrequestfile conf.d/certs-email-only.pem     sslverifyclient none     sslverifydepth 2     ssloptions +exportcertdata      documentroot /var/www/mysite     servername     directoryindex main.html      proxypass /api/login ajp://localhost:8009/backend/login     proxypassreverse /api/login ajp://localhost:8009/backend/login      alias /login /var/www/login     <directory /var/www/login>         directoryindex login.html     </directory>      proxypass /logout ajp://localhost:8009/backend/logout     proxypassreverse /logout ajp://localhost:8009/backend/logout      <location /api>          sslverifyclient require          proxypass ajp://localhost:8009/backend          proxypassreverse ajp://localhost:8009/backend          proxypassreversecookiepath /backend /api          proxypassreversecookiedomain localhost     </location> </virtualhost> <virtualhost *:443>      # virtualhost impacted sslcadnrequestfile in above vhost </virtualhost> 


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