How to nest an if statements in another if statemtn in mysql -

i can not life of me understand why "type = 1" being ignored. type being set above , have verified type either 1 or 2. can set type = 5 , still executes in if statement. if ignores if type = 1 then. can nest if statement withen mysql?

delimiter $$ create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `select_player`(teamid int) block1: begin -- outer block declare done int default false; declare type int; declare check_pos text; declare curse2 cursor select pos, sort1 dutil_pos_sort; declare continue handler not found set done := true; open curse2; rd_loop: loop   fetch curse2 check_pos, type;   if done     leave rd_loop;   end if; block2: begin -- inner block   declare done1 int default false;   declare pl_id, comp int;   declare dl_pos text;   declare curse1 cursor select p.player_id,substring_index(substring_index(p.pos,'/',1),'/',-1) segment1 dutil_players p,  dutil_picks k k.player_id = p.player_id , k.team_id=teamid;   declare continue handler not found set done1 := true;     open curse1;   read_loop: loop     fetch curse1 pl_id, dl_pos;     if done1       leave read_loop;     end if;     if type = 1       if dl_pos concat("%",check_pos,"-","%")         select "match",pl_id, dl_pos, check_pos;         leave read_loop;       else          select "no match", check_pos;       end if;     else       if dl_pos binary concat("%",check_pos,"%")         select "match",pl_id, dl_pos, check_pos;         leave read_loop;       else         select "no match", check_pos;       end if;     end if;   end loop read_loop;   close curse1;   end block2; end loop rd_loop; close curse2; end block1 


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