php - Order results by count with MySQL -

i have table stores list of tags. able write script displays tags user uses most. but, having trouble writing mysql query so.

table structure:

tag_id | user_id | tag -------------------------------- 1      | 1       | hiking    2      | 1       | fishing 3      | 1       | hiking    4      | 1       | swimming 5      | 1       | hiking    6      | 1       | swimming 

what have far outputs of tags:

$query= "select tag tags user_id='1'"; 

i results this:

hiking swimming fishing 

can use order "count" or achieve this?

you need order count

try this:

select tag    tags  group tag  order count(tag) desc 


╔══════════╗ ║   tag    ║ ╠══════════╣ ║ hiking   ║ ║ swimming ║ ║ fishing  ║ ╚══════════╝ 

see sqlfiddle


you can show counts this:

select tag       ,count(tag) `count`   tags  group tag  order count(tag) desc 

see sqlfiddle


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