iphone - Core plot : Unable to set date/minute in x-axis -
am breaking head on since yesterday , can't work! plain x-axis line, y-axis line (not ticks or labels!) , chart title! please help! seems simple, elusive!
am plotting last 5 values of memory usage of server. values each minute approximately (sometimes, it's 2 minutes once). example, 1 set of last 5 values might want show this:
date (vs) memory usage (bytes)
2013-05-02 11:50:33 +0000 - 157888512.000000
2013-05-02 11:51:33 +0000 - 157839360.000000
2013-05-02 11:52:14 +0000 - 157888512.000000
2013-05-02 11:56:36 +0000 - 157863936.000000
2013-05-02 11:57:48 +0000 - 157888512.000000
i refresh graph every minute.
the 'numberforplot', 'numberofrecordsforplot' seems called, no plotting seen/visible in graph.
my graph initialized method :
-(void) initializegraph { nslog(@"view_visualizer.initializegraph"); if ((self.graph == nil) || (self.graph == null)) { self.graphhostview = [(cptgraphhostingview *) [cptgraphhostingview alloc] initwithframe:self.view.bounds]; self.graph = [[cptxygraph alloc] initwithframe:self.graphhostview.bounds]; graph.paddingleft = 10.0; graph.paddingright = 10.0; graph.paddingtop = 10.0; graph.paddingbottom = 10.0; graph.title = @"processor usage"; cptxyplotspace *plotspace = (cptxyplotspace *) graph.defaultplotspace; nstimeinterval xlow = 0.0f; nstimeinterval onemin = 60.0f; plotspace.xrange = [cptplotrange plotrangewithlocation:cptdecimalfromfloat(xlow) length:cptdecimalfromfloat(onemin*6.0)]; plotspace.yrange = [cptplotrange plotrangewithlocation:cptdecimalfromfloat(0) length:cptdecimalfromfloat(6)]; // plotting style set line plots cptmutablelinestyle *linestyle = [cptmutablelinestyle linestyle]; linestyle.linecolor = [cptcolor blackcolor]; linestyle.linewidth = 2.0f; nstimeinterval onemin = 60.0f; cptxyaxisset *axisset = (cptxyaxisset *) self.graph.axisset; axisset.xaxis.majorintervallength = cptdecimalfromfloat(onemin); axisset.xaxis.minorticksperinterval = 0; axisset.xaxis.majorticklinestyle = linestyle; axisset.xaxis.majorticklength = 7.0f; //axisset.yaxis.orthogonalcoordinatedecimal = cptdecimalfromfloat(onemin); //axisset.xaxis.majorticklinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.xaxis.minorticklinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.xaxis.axislinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.xaxis.minorticklength = 5.0f; //axisset.xaxis.majorticklength = 5.0f; //axisset.xaxis.labeloffset = 3.0f; nsdateformatter *dateformatter = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init]; // example date format : 2013-05-02 11:23:16 +0000 [dateformatter setdateformat:@"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss z"]; //dateformatter.datestyle = kcfdateformattershortstyle; //dateformatter.timezone = [nstimezone timezoneforsecondsfromgmt:0]; cpttimeformatter *timeformatter = [[cpttimeformatter alloc] initwithdateformatter:dateformatter]; timeformatter.referencedate = [nsdate datewithtimeintervalsince1970:([[nsdate date] timeintervalsince1970] - (6*onemin))]; axisset.xaxis.labelformatter = timeformatter; //axisset.yaxis.majorintervallength = [nsdecimal decimalnumberwithstring:@"5"]; //axisset.yaxis.minorticksperinterval = 4; //axisset.yaxis.majorticklinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.yaxis.minorticklinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.yaxis.axislinestyle = linestyle; //axisset.yaxis.minorticklength = 5.0f; //axisset.yaxis.majorticklength = 5.0f; //axisset.yaxis.labeloffset = 3.0f; cptscatterplot *xsquaredplot = [[cptscatterplot alloc] initwithframe:self.graph.bounds]; xsquaredplot.identifier = @"x squared plot"; cptmutablelinestyle *datalinestyle = [cptmutablelinestyle linestyle]; datalinestyle.linewidth = 1.0f; datalinestyle.linecolor = [cptcolor redcolor]; xsquaredplot.datalinestyle = datalinestyle; xsquaredplot.datasource = self; [self.graph addplot:xsquaredplot]; self.graphhostview.allowpinchscaling = no; self.graphhostview.hostedgraph = self.graph; [self.view addsubview:self.graphhostview]; } } #pragma mark - cptplotdatasource methods -(nsuinteger)numberofrecordsforplot:(cptplot *)plot { return [dicthealth count]; } -(nsnumber *) numberforplot:(cptplot *)plot field:(nsuinteger)fieldenum recordindex:(nsuinteger)index { health_memuse *healthdata = (health_memuse *) [dicthealth objectforkey: [self.arrayhealthkeys objectatindex:index]]; if ( fieldenum == cptscatterplotfieldx ) { return [nsdecimalnumber numberwithfloat:[healthdata.currdate timeintervalsince1970]]; /* return [nsnumber numberwithdouble:([healthdata.currdate timeintervalsince1970] + [[nstimezone localtimezone] secondsfromgmt])]; */ } else { nslog(@"plot memuse %f on date %@ index %d", healthdata.memuse, healthdata.currdate, index); return [nsnumber numberwithfloat:(healthdata.memuse/(1024*1024*1024))]; // convert bytes gb } }
please help! realize might wrong in setting range axes, tried googl'ing, stackoverflow'ing , tried several variations it, in vain.
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