html - GWT historyFrame causes a blank line in the body part -

i want use preferred <!doctype html> in gwt index.html , want make use of (hidden) __gwt_historyframe iframe.
when use both <body> starts blank line.
code below show mean:

<!doctype html> <html> <head>     <title>hello world</title>     <style>         html, body {             width: 100%;             height: 100%;             margin: 0;             padding: 0;             background-color: green;         }         #container {             width: inherit;             height: inherit;             margin: 0;             padding: 0;             background-color: pink;         }         h1 {             margin: 0;             padding: 0;         }     </style> </head> <body>      <iframe src="javascript:''"               id="__gwt_historyframe"               style="width:0;height:0;border:0;">     </iframe>     <div id="container">         green bar above..     </div> </body> 

this code show pink page green bar @ top. height of bar dependent of font-size defined body tag.
know how can circumvent problem, besides using <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"> doctype?

just use position:absolute in iframe style and/or put out of viewport.


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