mysql - how to create an automatic logout script in php -

im trying create auto logout system automatically log out of system when page inactive,i newbie , when added code login page im getting these warnings

warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 string, resource given in c:\xampp\htdocs\how things\admin panel\login.php on line 80 warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 resource, null given in c:\xampp\htdocs\how things\admin panel\login.php on line 81 

the code on line 80 , 81 these below respectively

  if($no_rows > 0){                          while($resgetadmin = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_user)) 

this code added

    $rs_user= mysql_query($check_login);                  $no_rows   = mysql_num_rows($rs_user);                  if($no_rows > 0){                          while($resgetadmin = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_user)){                           $selquery="select *  login  user_id=".$resgetadmin['user_id'] ." , logindate ='$current_date'";                           $rgetdata= mysql_query($selquery);                           $num_login   = getsqlnumber($selquery);                           if($num_login==0) {                           $insquery= "insert login (user_id,logintime,logindate,count)   values (".$resgetadmin['user_id'].",'$current_time','$current_date',1)";                           $login_user= mysql_query($insquery);                           $insert_id=mysql_insert_id();                           $_session['logintime']=$current_time;                            }else{                                $count = mysql_result($rgetdata,0,’count’);                                $count = $count+1;                                $updatequery= "update login set logintime='$current_time' ,logindate='$current_date' , count ='$count' user_id=".$resgetadmin['user_id'] ." , logindate='$current_date'";                                $login_user= mysql_query($updatequery) or mysql_error();                                $_session['logintime']=$current_time;                                 }                                $_session['user_id']=$resgetadmin['user_id'];                               header("location: index.php");                                    exit;                                   }                             } 

this original login page before added code above

<?php if(isset($_post['submit'])){      $username = $_post['username'];      $password =($_post['password']);      $hash_password = md5($password);      $hash_password1 = sha1($hash_password);      $hash_password2 = crypt($hash_password1,"st");      $hash_password3 = hash("sha512",$hash_password2);       $guess = $_post['captcha'];      $real = (isset($_session['real'])) ? $_session['real'] : "";     if (empty($guess))      {           die("please enter correct captcha.<br>");      }  if (!empty($guess) && $guess !== $real) {     die("please enter correct captcha.<br>"); }      if(empty($username) or empty($password)){          echo "<p>fields empty !</p>";      }      else {           $check_login = mysql_query("select id, type users username='$username' , password='$hash_password3'");           if(mysql_num_rows($check_login) == 1) {              $run = mysql_fetch_array($check_login);              $user_id = $run['id'];              $type = $run['type'];              if($type == 'd'){                   echo "<p> account deactivated byt site admin!</p>";              } else {                   $_session['user_id'] = $user_id;                   header('location: index.php');              }           } else {                   echo "<p> user name or password incorrect!</p>";                }  } }  ?> 

i pasted whole code on login page left timeout.php page,thanks in advance guys

there no need logout writing own code. each session can configured last time. can set maximum lifetime.


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