delphi - Inno setup command line progress -

how can progress when i'm executing inno script command line compiler (iscc.exe)?

i can pipeline output want % completed well.

use iscmplr library instead. inspiration, basic delphi innosetup compiler might (of course without hardcoded paths). uses original compint.pas unit innosetup source pack:

unit unit1;  interface  uses   windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls, forms,    dialogs, stdctrls, comctrls, compint;  const   complib = iscmplrdll;   comppath = 'c:\program files (x86)\inno setup 5\';   compscriptproc = {$ifndef unicode}'isdllcompilescript'{$else}'isdllcompilescriptw'{$endif};  type   tcompscriptproc = function(const params: tcompilescriptparamsex): integer; stdcall;    pappdata = ^tappdata;   tappdata = record     lines: tstringlist;     linenumber: integer;     statuslabel: tlabel;     progressbar: tprogressbar;   end;  type   tform1 = class(tform)     label1: tlabel;     button1: tbutton;     progressbar1: tprogressbar;     procedure formcreate(sender: tobject);     procedure formdestroy(sender: tobject);     procedure button1click(sender: tobject);   private     fcomplibhandle: hmodule;     fcompscriptproc: tcompscriptproc;   public     { public declarations }   end;  var   form1: tform1;  implementation  {$r *.dfm}  procedure tform1.formcreate(sender: tobject); begin   fcomplibhandle := safeloadlibrary(comppath + complib);   if fcomplibhandle <> 0     fcompscriptproc := getprocaddress(fcomplibhandle, compscriptproc); end;  procedure tform1.formdestroy(sender: tobject); begin   if fcomplibhandle <> 0     freelibrary(fcomplibhandle); end;  function compilercallbackproc(code: integer; var data: tcompilercallbackdata;   appdata: longint): integer; stdcall; begin // in every stage can cancel compilation if pass e.g. boolean // field through appdata using following line: // result := iscrrequestabort;    result := iscrsuccess;   case code of     iscbreadscript:     pappdata(appdata)^     begin       if data.reset         linenumber := 0;       if linenumber < lines.count       begin         data.lineread := pchar(lines[linenumber]);         inc(linenumber);       end;     end;     iscbnotifystatus:       form1.label1.caption := data.statusmsg;     iscbnotifyidle:     begin       pappdata(appdata)^       begin         progressbar.max := data.compressprogressmax;         progressbar.position := data.compressprogress;         statuslabel.caption := format('bitrate: %d b/s; remaining time: %d s',           [data.bytescompressedpersecond, data.secondsremaining]);         application.processmessages;       end;     end;     iscbnotifysuccess:       showmessagefmt('yipee! compilation succeeded; output: %s', [data.outputexefilename]);     iscbnotifyerror:       showmessagefmt('an error occured! file: %s; line: %d; message: %s', [data.errorfilename,         data.errorline, data.errormsg]);   end; end;  procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var   custdata: tappdata;   compparams: tcompilescriptparamsex; begin   if assigned(fcompscriptproc)   begin     custdata.lines := tstringlist.create;     try       custdata.lines.loadfromfile('c:\program files (x86)\inno setup 5\examples\example1.iss');       custdata.linenumber := 0;       custdata.statuslabel := label1;       custdata.progressbar := progressbar1;        compparams.size := sizeof(compparams);       compparams.compilerpath := comppath;                                                  // path folder containing *.e32 files (innosetup install folder)       compparams.sourcepath := 'c:\program files (x86)\inno setup 5\examples\';             // path script file compiled       compparams.callbackproc := compilercallbackproc;                                      // callback procedure compiler calls read script , status notifications       pointer(compparams.appdata) := @custdata;                                             // custom data passed callback procedure       compparams.options := '';                                                             // additional options; see compint.pas description        if fcompscriptproc(compparams) <> iscenoerror         showmessage('compiler error'); ;     end;   end; end;  end. 


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