python - WebService with Tornado.web and Authentication. Do you have Example? -

i'm brand new in tornado.web.

i write webservice in python tornado. consumed desktop application. want require application communicates after being authenticated.

i searched examples, can't found applicable case.

you add @tornado.web.authenticated decorator, , specify application login url specify debug=true

settings = dict({     "template_path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"templates"),     "static_path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"static"),     "cookie_secret": "make harde guess ;) ",     "xsrf_cookies": true,     "debug": false,     "gzip": true,     "login_url": "/#login",     "site_url":"http://localhost:8000", }) 

and finally, inherit classes 1 controls cookies existance:

class basehandler(tornado.web.requesthandler):     @tornado.web.removeslash     def get_current_user(self):          return self.get_secure_cookie("name_of_your_cookie") 


class test(basehandler):     @tornado.web.authenticated     def post(self):         user = self.get_secure_cookie("name_of_your_cookie")         # rest of code... 

what happens now, everytime tries enter link use test, application if cookie exists, else, redirected login_url


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