c# - Why is DataTable serializable? -

so here's simple test case:

[serializable] class base {  }  [serializable] class derived : base {  }  binaryformatter formatter = new binaryformatter(); formatter.serialize(stream, new derived()); 

nothing special here. if remove either of 'serializable' tags, binaryformatter yells @ because items aren't serializable. in theory then, serializing datatable shouldn't work either because base class datatable - 'marshalbyvaluecomponent- isn't marked serializeable either ('typeof(marshalbyvaluecomponent).isserializable returns 'false'). why binaryformatter ignore not other non-serializable types? (or why isn't marshalbyvaluecomponent marked serializeable begin with?)

the dataset class defined follows:

[serializableattribute] public class dataset : marshalbyvaluecomponent, ilistsource,      ixmlserializable, isupportinitializenotification, isupportinitialize, iserializable 

see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.dataset.aspx

as can see there implementation of iserializable interface. interface allows object control own serialization , deserialization.


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