Cassandra: Hector, serializationException invalid stram header -

im working apache cassandra (cassandra version: 1.2.3, thrift api version: 19.35.0, cql supported versions: 2.0.0,3.0.1 (default: 3.0.1)) , hector 1.0.5.

im using following code insert , retrieve object.

string cf="user"; key="mykey"; string colname="colname"; string colvalue="colvalue";  mutator<string> mutator = hfactory.createmutator(keyspace, stringserializer.get()); mutator.insert(key, cf, hfactory.createstringcolumn(colname, colvalue));    columnquery<string, string, object> columnquery = hfactory.createcolumnquery(     keyspace,     stringserializer.get(),     stringserializer.get(),     objectserializer.get());      columnquery.setcolumnfamily(cf).setkey(key).setname(colname);     queryresult<hcolumn<string, object>> r = columnquery.execute();      system.out.println("read hcolumn cassandra: " + r.get()); 

but following exception:

exception in thread "main" me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.hectorserializationexception: invalid stream header: 636f6c76     @ me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.objectserializer.frombytebuffer(     @ me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.hcolumnimpl.getvalue(     @ me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.hcolumnimpl.tostring(     @ java.lang.string.valueof(     @ java.lang.stringbuilder.append(     @ org.dargamenteria.tfg.texu.logic.userdaoimpl.create( 

but following code works, changed objectserializer stringserializer:

mutator<string> mutator = hfactory.createmutator(keyspace, stringserializer.get()); mutator.insert(key, cf, hfactory.createstringcolumn(colname, colvalue));  columnquery<string, string, string> columnquery = hfactory.createcolumnquery(     keyspace,     stringserializer.get(),     stringserializer.get(),     stringserializer.get());      columnquery.setcolumnfamily(cf).setkey(key).setname(colname);     queryresult<hcolumn<string, string>> r = columnquery.execute();      system.out.println("read hcolumn cassandra: " + r.get()); 

if hector serializer hierarchy, find objectserializer & stringserializer both siblings, both implementing serializer interface , extending abstractserializer class.

frombytebuffer method in stringserializer expecting string, whereas in objectserializer expecting object. , in code have defined column value string type, have use stringserializer set of code expecting string type.


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