Plotting on Gnuplot - skipping lines -

i have problems reading file in gnuplot. example, have file this:

___________________________________________ '#current'  month followed retweeted mentioned replied   jan 395 29 35 28   feb 380 28 32 31   '#previous'  month followed retweeted mentioned replied   jan 381 30 38 32   feb 378 25 42 30   mar 374 28 46 40 ______________________________________________________ 

i need read second block, starts tag "#previous". how can it? tried command:

plot "data.txt" index 'previous' using 3:xticlabel(1) axes x1y1 lines linecolor rgbcolor "red",\ 

but doesn't work. ideas?

check out answer question

gnuplot: plotting several datasets titles 1 file

i think need add 1 after index so

plot "data.txt" index 1 using 3:xticlabel(1) axes x1y1 lines linecolor rgbcolor "red"

edit: datasets 0-indexed first block indexed 0 , second block (previous) has index one. error mention regarding bad line indicates problem our data file format. read data format @ these links


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