c# - AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException does not get called -

i have wcf service has following code in global.asax:

protected void application_start(object sender, eventargs e) {     // make sure exceptions don't handle @ least logged.     appdomain.currentdomain.unhandledexception += logunhandledexception; }  private void logunhandledexception(object sender, unhandledexceptioneventargs e) {     log.error.logexception("unhandledexception", e.exceptionobject exception); } 

the idea @ least log exceptions unhanded.

but not seem ever called. tried doing divide 0 in 1 of service operations , stops service after hits exception.

int 0 = 0; int result = 100 / zero; 

the logunhandledexception method never gets called.

i have tried in both iis , running in debugger.

how can event work wcf service?

the unhandled exception filter app domain last-ditch attempt allow application log meaningful information before terminated.

this event provides notification of uncaught exceptions. allows application log information exception before system default handler reports exception user , terminates application.

if wcf allowed exception thrown service unhandled in way mean when service hosted in iis entire worker process terminated because single request raised exception - not desirable outcome. result wcf doesn't leave exceptions thrown services unhandled - this event not raised in case.

if want log exceptions thrown wcf services take @ ierrorhandler interface instead.


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