jquery - NiceScroll show/hide -

i'd hide/show nicescroll based on result of if function.

in html there 3 sections scrolled left right 1 one.

my script follows:

var section2 = $('#section2').offset().left;  $(window).scroll(function(){     var scrollzpos = $(document).scrollleft();     if (scrollzpos <= section2 ) {         $("body").getnicescroll().hide();     }     if (scrollzpos == section2 ) {         $("body").nicescroll({touchbehavior:false,cursorcolor:"#67a5df",horizrailenabled:false,cursoropacitymax:1,autohidemode:false,cursorwidth:10,cursorborder:0,cursorborderradius:0,cursorminheight:180});     }     else if(scrollzpos >= section2 ){         $("body").getnicescroll().hide();     } }); 

it hides when scrolling outside of section 2, when scrolling doesn't reappear.

i found solution answer on github.

it's better create nicescroll during document ready event.



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