c# - Why am I getting badimagexception? -

i have code sample that's supposed detect canon 550d digital camera can control camera pc. downloaded source files here:


i created new project in visual studio 2012 pro; pc running windows 8 64bit. added .cs files , copied dll files downloaded canon website after registering.

the first time ran program , clicked on connect button, got exception dll missing. since there no way add dlls referenced, copied them debug directory.

the missing dll prsdk.dll, found , downloaded dll, , copied it.

now when click on connect button, different exception:

badimageformatexception: attempt made load program incorrect format. (exception hresult: 0x8007000b)

the exception in file camera.cs, on line:

err = prapi.pr_startsdk(); 

i googled exception , found people have changed project platform , target x86, tried - tried changing x86, x64, anycpu, everything, didn't help.

maybe prsdk.dll file old , not useable in windows 8?

this link project/solution in skydrive, if can please download , try run on machine , maybe find solution?


the project called: canon_camera_control

ok, downloaded project , found problem.

your dll files wrong!

they not dll actually, html files .dll extension. apparently tried download them webpage didn't succeed.

try redownloading or obtain sdk official (canon) sources.


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