java - hadoop installed how write use the WordCount example? -

i'm new hadoop , not familiar terminal commands. followed step step install hadoop on mac , can run inner hadoop examples. however, when tried run wordcount example, generate many errors such org.apache can't resolved. post online said should put in write java code.. used use eclipse. however, in eclipse there're many errors project enable compiled.

and suggestion? thanks!

assuming have followed directions start local cluster, or pseudo-distributed cluster, here easiest way.

go hadoop directory, should whatever directory unzipped when download hadoop library apache. there can run these command run hadoop

for hadoop version 0.23.*

cd $home/path/to/hadoop-0.23.* ./bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-0.23.5.jar wordcount myinput outputdir

for hadoop version 0.20.*

cd $home/path/to/hadoop-0.20.* ./bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.20.2-examples.jar wordcount myinput outputdir


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