sql - Sqlmap inline parameters -

hi ive hear error in cakephp allows sql inyection; https://twitter.com/cakephp/status/328610604778651649

i trying test site using sqlmap, cant find how specify params.

the url testing is; 

and parameters want sqlmap inyect in url (page:,sort:,direction:)

i have try run;

python sqlmap.py -u "" 

but nothing... clue? thanks!

in cakephp there passed arguments, named parameters, , querystring parameters.

passed arguments .../index/arg accessed $this->request->pass[0], '0' array index. named parameters .../index/key:value , accessed $this->request->named['key']. querystring parameters ̀.../index?key=valueand accessed with$this->request->query['key']`.

your url uses named parameters should (without question mark): 


since cakephp uses mod_rewrite, have specify parameters explained in sqlmap wiki.


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