sql - Query to return +- 30 days from a specific date -

i'm trying figure out how write query return table of 61 record list date each record current date.

this useful function use, taken here:

explode dates between dates, check , adjust parameter

just send date-30 , date+30

create function [dbo].[explodedates] (@startdate datetime, @enddate datetime) returns table       return (                   n0 (select 1 n union select 1)         ,n1 (select 1 n n0 t1, n0 t2)         ,n2 (select 1 n n1 t1, n1 t2)         ,n3 (select 1 n n2 t1, n2 t2)         ,n4 (select 1 n n3 t1, n3 t2)         ,n5 (select 1 n n4 t1, n4 t2)         ,n6 (select 1 n n5 t1, n5 t2)         ,nums (select row_number() on (order (select 1)) num n6)         select dateadd(day, num-1, @startdate) thedate         nums         num <= datediff(day, @startdate, @enddate) + 1     ); go 

if don't want function, can use query, declaring

@startdate = @mydate - 30 ,
@enddate = @mydate + 30


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