Azure build fail with TFS hosted buildserver: Windows Azure Tools\2.0\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" was not found -

im new azure , wanted create continuous integration build using tfs. created build definition building cloud app simple website using hosted buildserver in build definition fails error:

c:\a\src\myazure\myazure\myazure.ccproj (70): imported project "c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v11.0\windows azure tools\2.0\microsoft.windowsazure.targets" not found. confirm path in declaration correct, , file exists on disk.

i can build locally, , manually publish azure , deploy fine. im suspecting hosted buildserver of tfs not support azure 2.0? there way around problem or have forget idea of using ci?

seems since build preview feature of team foundation service. there same thing azure sdk 1.8, updated build servers in couple of days. hope not take long time.

update: "no, tf service hosted build machines not have new sdk 2.0 @ time. expect users have azure sdk 2.0 support post june 1st. in meantime need use on-prem build controller bits need , deploy azure there." (c) trevor hancock microsoft

update 2: i've managed complete successful build using tfs build servers sdk 2.0 think problem resolved now. in future recommend not updates new versions of azure sdk until tfs build servers ready.


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