- How to pull Deposits from QuickBooksOnline using IntuitAnywhere -

i attempting pull general ledger entries quickbooksonline c# application given date range. have been able pull bills, checks, , journalentries match profit , loss detail report i'm using reference. however, seem missing "deposit" types report. pulling data invoices , payments coming empty txndates i'm looking for.

in case helps i'm including request , response xml logs invoices , payments.

invoice request

filter=txndate :after: 2013-02-28t00:00:00-05:00 :and: txndate :before: 2013-04-01t00:00:00-04:00&pagenum=1&resultsperpage=100 

invoice response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><qbo:searchresults xmlns="" xmlns:qbp="" xmlns:qbo=""><qbo:cdmcollections xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="invoices"/><qbo:count>0</qbo:count><qbo:currentpage>1</qbo:currentpage></qbo:searchresults> 

payment request

    filter=txndate :after: 2013-02-28t00:00:00-05:00 :and: txndate :before: 2013-04-01t00:00:00-04:00&pagenum=1&resultsperpage=100 

payment response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><qbo:searchresults xmlns="" xmlns:qbp="" xmlns:qbo=""><qbo:cdmcollections xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="payments"/><qbo:count>0</qbo:count><qbo:currentpage>1</qbo:currentpage></qbo:searchresults> 

deposits not same thing invoice or payment. deposits separate transaction indicating deposit of payment, bank.

according intuit's documentation, querying deposits not supported v2 apis.


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