android - INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK when installing apk -

i'm trying test project in phone android 2.3.6 , error message: install_failed_older_sdk

the app drawing route between 2 points;

there code: xml file:

<relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" tools:context=".mainactivity" >  <fragment     android:id="@+id/map"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     class="" /> 

the java files:

            package com.example.getroutexy2;          import java.util.arraylist;         import java.util.list;          import org.w3c.dom.document;          import;         import;         import;         import;         import;         import;         import;         import;          import;         import;         import;         import android.location.location;         import android.location.locationmanager;         import android.os.asynctask;         import android.os.bundle;         import;         import;          public class mainactivity extends fragmentactivity {              list<overlay> mapoverlays;             geopoint point1, point2;             locationmanager locmanager;             drawable drawable;             document document;             gmapv2getroutedirection v2getroutedirection;             latlng fromposition;             latlng toposition;             googlemap mgooglemap;             markeroptions markeroptions;             location location ;              @override             protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {                 super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);                 setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);                  v2getroutedirection = new gmapv2getroutedirection();                 supportmapfragment supportmapfragment = (supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager()                   .findfragmentbyid(;                   mgooglemap = supportmapfragment.getmap();                    // enabling mylocation in google map                   mgooglemap.setmylocationenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.getuisettings().setzoomcontrolsenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.getuisettings().setcompassenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.getuisettings().setmylocationbuttonenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.getuisettings().setallgesturesenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.settrafficenabled(true);                   mgooglemap.animatecamera(cameraupdatefactory.zoomto(12));                   markeroptions = new markeroptions();                   fromposition = new latlng(11.663837, 78.147297);                   toposition = new latlng(11.723512, 78.466287);                   getroutetask getroute = new getroutetask();                   getroute.execute();             }              private class getroutetask extends asynctask<string, void, string> {                  private progressdialog dialog;                 string response = "";                 @override                 protected void onpreexecute() {                       dialog = new progressdialog(mainactivity.this);                       dialog.setmessage("loading route...");             ;                 }                  @override                 protected string doinbackground(string... urls) {                       //get route values                             document = v2getroutedirection.getdocument(fromposition, toposition, gmapv2getroutedirection.mode_driving);                             response = "success";                       return response;                  }                  @override                 protected void onpostexecute(string result) {                       mgooglemap.clear();                       if(response.equalsignorecase("success")){                       arraylist<latlng> directionpoint = v2getroutedirection.getdirection(document);                       polylineoptions rectline = new polylineoptions().width(10).color(                         ;                        (int = 0; < directionpoint.size(); i++) {                             rectline.add(directionpoint.get(i));                       }                       // adding route on map                       mgooglemap.addpolyline(rectline);                       markeroptions.position(toposition);                       markeroptions.draggable(true);                       mgooglemap.addmarker(markeroptions);                        }                        dialog.dismiss();                 }           }           @override           protected void onstop() {                 super.onstop();                 finish();           }          } 


            package com.example.getroutexy2;          import;         import java.util.arraylist;          import javax.xml.parsers.documentbuilder;         import javax.xml.parsers.documentbuilderfactory;          import org.apache.http.httpresponse;         import org.apache.http.client.httpclient;         import org.apache.http.client.methods.httppost;         import org.apache.http.impl.client.defaulthttpclient;         import org.apache.http.protocol.basichttpcontext;         import org.apache.http.protocol.httpcontext;         import org.w3c.dom.document;         import org.w3c.dom.node;         import org.w3c.dom.nodelist;          import android.util.log;          import;          public class gmapv2getroutedirection {              public final static string mode_driving = "driving";             public final static string mode_walking = "walking";              public gmapv2getroutedirection() { }              public document getdocument(latlng start, latlng end, string mode) {                 string url = ""                         + "origin=" + start.latitude + "," + start.longitude                          + "&destination=" + end.latitude + "," + end.longitude                         + "&sensor=false&units=metric&mode=driving";                  try {                     httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();                     httpcontext localcontext = new basichttpcontext();                     httppost httppost = new httppost(url);                     httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost, localcontext);                     inputstream in = response.getentity().getcontent();                     documentbuilder builder = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance().newdocumentbuilder();                     document doc = builder.parse(in);                     return doc;                 } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                 return null;             }              public string getdurationtext (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("duration");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 nodelist nl2 = node1.getchildnodes();                 node node2 = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "text"));                 log.i("durationtext", node2.gettextcontent());                 return node2.gettextcontent();             }              public int getdurationvalue (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("duration");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 nodelist nl2 = node1.getchildnodes();                 node node2 = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "value"));                 log.i("durationvalue", node2.gettextcontent());                 return integer.parseint(node2.gettextcontent());             }              public string getdistancetext (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("distance");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 nodelist nl2 = node1.getchildnodes();                 node node2 = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "text"));                 log.i("distancetext", node2.gettextcontent());                 return node2.gettextcontent();             }              public int getdistancevalue (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("distance");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 nodelist nl2 = node1.getchildnodes();                 node node2 = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "value"));                 log.i("distancevalue", node2.gettextcontent());                 return integer.parseint(node2.gettextcontent());             }              public string getstartaddress (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("start_address");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 log.i("startaddress", node1.gettextcontent());                 return node1.gettextcontent();             }              public string getendaddress (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("end_address");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 log.i("startaddress", node1.gettextcontent());                 return node1.gettextcontent();             }              public string getcopyrights (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("copyrights");                 node node1 = nl1.item(0);                 log.i("copyrights", node1.gettextcontent());                 return node1.gettextcontent();             }              public arraylist<latlng> getdirection (document doc) {                 nodelist nl1, nl2, nl3;                 arraylist<latlng> listgeopoints = new arraylist<latlng>();                 nl1 = doc.getelementsbytagname("step");                 if (nl1.getlength() > 0) {                     (int = 0; < nl1.getlength(); i++) {                         node node1 = nl1.item(i);                         nl2 = node1.getchildnodes();                          node locationnode = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "start_location"));                         nl3 = locationnode.getchildnodes();                         node latnode = nl3.item(getnodeindex(nl3, "lat"));                         double lat = double.parsedouble(latnode.gettextcontent());                         node lngnode = nl3.item(getnodeindex(nl3, "lng"));                         double lng = double.parsedouble(lngnode.gettextcontent());                         listgeopoints.add(new latlng(lat, lng));                          locationnode = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "polyline"));                         nl3 = locationnode.getchildnodes();                         latnode = nl3.item(getnodeindex(nl3, "points"));                         arraylist<latlng> arr = decodepoly(latnode.gettextcontent());                         for(int j = 0 ; j < arr.size() ; j++) {                             listgeopoints.add(new latlng(arr.get(j).latitude, arr.get(j).longitude));                         }                          locationnode = nl2.item(getnodeindex(nl2, "end_location"));                         nl3 = locationnode.getchildnodes();                         latnode = nl3.item(getnodeindex(nl3, "lat"));                         lat = double.parsedouble(latnode.gettextcontent());                         lngnode = nl3.item(getnodeindex(nl3, "lng"));                         lng = double.parsedouble(lngnode.gettextcontent());                         listgeopoints.add(new latlng(lat, lng));                     }                 }                  return listgeopoints;             }              private int getnodeindex(nodelist nl, string nodename) {                 for(int = 0 ; < nl.getlength() ; i++) {                     if(nl.item(i).getnodename().equals(nodename))                         return i;                 }                 return -1;             }              private arraylist<latlng> decodepoly(string encoded) {                 arraylist<latlng> poly = new arraylist<latlng>();                 int index = 0, len = encoded.length();                 int lat = 0, lng = 0;                 while (index < len) {                     int b, shift = 0, result = 0;                     {                         b = encoded.charat(index++) - 63;                         result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;                         shift += 5;                     } while (b >= 0x20);                     int dlat = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));                     lat += dlat;                     shift = 0;                     result = 0;                     {                         b = encoded.charat(index++) - 63;                         result |= (b & 0x1f) << shift;                         shift += 5;                     } while (b >= 0x20);                     int dlng = ((result & 1) != 0 ? ~(result >> 1) : (result >> 1));                     lng += dlng;                      latlng position = new latlng((double) lat / 1e5, (double) lng / 1e5);                     poly.add(position);                 }                 return poly;             }          } 

finally manifest file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android=""        package="com.example.getroutexy2"      android:versioncode="1"      android:versionname="1.0" >      <uses-sdk     android:minsdkversion="7"     android:targetsdkversion="17" />  <permission     android:name="com.example.getroutexy2.permission.maps_receive"     android:protectionlevel="signature" />  <uses-feature     android:glesversion="0x00020000"     android:required="true" />  <uses-permission android:name="com.example.getroutexy2.permission.maps_receive" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" /> <uses-permission android:name="" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_coarse_location" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_fine_location" />  <application     android:allowbackup="true"     android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"     android:label="@string/app_name"     android:theme="@style/apptheme" >     <activity         android:name="com.example.getroutexy2.mainactivity"         android:label="@string/app_name" >         <intent-filter>             <action android:name="android.intent.action.main" />              <category android:name="android.intent.category.launcher" />         </intent-filter>     </activity>      <meta-data         android:name=""         android:value="aizasyckdoz..............." />  </application> 

thanks, key i'm sure it's one


  • your device not running android 2.3.6, or

  • your application not have manifest, or

  • you misinterpreting something, or

  • your device or app strange

install_failed_older_sdk should occur if api level of device below android:minsdkversion. in case, android:minsdkversion 7, android 2.1. hence, should not getting error.


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