Testing Symfony2 Forms causes Could not load type "entity" -

i testing form type defined application. during testing form type, using symfony's typetestcase class message "could not load type "entity"" appears. can solve problem??

class mytype extends abstracttype {   public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options) {     $builder->add('othertype', 'entity', array('class' => 'bundle:othertype'));   } }  class mytypetest extends typetestcase {   public function teststh() {     $type = new mytype();   } } 

i got same problem when testing of customized types.

here's way figure out (by mocking entitytype),

first, make sure test class extends typetestcase,

class mytypetest extends typetestcase {     // ...  } 

then, add preloaded extension form factory in order take account entitytype

protected function setup() {     parent::setup();      $this->factory = forms::createformfactorybuilder()       ->addextensions($this->getextensions())       ->getformfactory(); } // this->getextensions() returns entitytype preloaded extension  // (see last step)     } 

and finally, add entity type mock preloaded extension.

protected function getextensions() {     $mockentitytype = $this->getmockbuilder('symfony\bridge\doctrine\form\type\entitytype')         ->disableoriginalconstructor()         ->getmock();      $mockentitytype->expects($this->any())->method('getname')                    ->will($this->returnvalue('entity'));      return array(new preloadedextension(array(             $mockentitytype->getname() => $mockentitytype,     ), array())); } 

but, may need ...

mock registry doctrinetype takes parameter when calling default constructor because it's used setdefaultoptions() (keep in mind entitytype extends doctrinetype) take account class , property options of entity field.

your may need mock entitytype follow:

$mockentitymanager = $this->getmockbuilder('\doctrine\orm\entitymanager')->getmock();  $mockregistry = $this->getmockbuilder('doctrine\bundle\doctrinebundle\registry')     ->disableoriginalconstructor()     ->setmethods(array('getmanagerforclass'))     ->getmock();  $mockregistry->expects($this->any())->method('getmanagerforclass')              ->will($this->returnvalue($mockentitymanager));  $mockentitytype = $this->getmockbuilder('symfony\bridge\doctrine\form\type\entitytype')     ->setmethods(array('getname'))     ->setconstructorargs(array($mockregistry))     ->getmock();  $mockentitytype->expects($this->any())->method('getname')                ->will($this->returnvalue('entity')); 


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