- Is there a way to generate only the most serious issues in Resharper? -

the large reporting project maintaining apparently has many "issues" resharper chokes on it. when run "resharper | inspect | code issues in current project" churns away while, displays "inspection results - code issues in " dialog - nothing [i,o]n it; it's medium gray rectangle.

i surmise because there many "issues" resharper threw virtual hands.

is there way filter results egregious ones, few dozen or hundred show?


even in relatively simple web site i'm working on @ home, resharper flags on 10,000 things - 99.squeech% of them being .js , .css code "comes with" project. resharper working on web sites/projects "out of box" it's hard see forest giant vegetables comprising said grove.

update 2

i see when right-click .js file , select "find usages" toils , spins, , invokes same empty dialog...bizarre...

if can dialog up, there option within filter issues. start adding of worst files/folders skip list resharper stop analysing them , can @ least give code issues dialog. can skip files/folders here:

resharper > option > code inspection > settings > edit items skip


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