- how to update database colum with checkbox in gridview -

i have checkbox in gridview rows...and have database column name "active" default value "1"

i bind checkbox database colum active...

when click on checkbox default checked because default value of active in dbase column 1 ..

i want when uncheck checkbox value updated on active column of selected row 0...and checkbox remains unchecked....

i have code sippet not working

 protected sub gridview1_rowdatabound(byval sender object, byval e system.web.ui.webcontrols.gridviewroweventargs) handles gridview1.rowdatabound         each myrow gridviewrow in gridview1.rows             'find checkbox             dim chk1 checkbox = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("checkbox1"), checkbox)             dim id hiddenfield = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("hiddenfield1"), hiddenfield)             dim active hiddenfield = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("hiddenfield3"), hiddenfield)             dim sqldata new"server=localhost;user id=root;persist security info=true;database=clixngo")             dim cmdselect new"select * my_state id='" & id.value & "'", sqldata)                dim dtrreader = cmdselect.executereader()             if dtrreader.hasrows                 while                     chk1.checked = dtrreader("active")                 end while             else             end if             dtrreader.close()             sqldata.close()          next     end sub      protected sub checkbox1_checkedchanged(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs)         each myrow gridviewrow in gridview1.rows             dim chk1 checkbox = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("checkbox1"), checkbox)             dim id hiddenfield = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("hiddenfield1"), hiddenfield)             dim active hiddenfield = directcast(myrow.findcontrol("hiddenfield3"), hiddenfield)             if chk1.checked = true                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("id").defaultvalue = id.value                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("active").defaultvalue = "1"                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("state").defaultvalue = "andaman , nicobar"                 sqldatasource1.update()             elseif chk1.checked = false                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("id").defaultvalue = id.value                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("active").defaultvalue = "0"                 sqldatasource1.updateparameters("state").defaultvalue = "andaman , nicobar"                 sqldatasource1.update()             end if         next     end sub 


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