javascript - Strange behaviour of included JS file in node.js -

i making node app in current state simple, issue can't figure out.

the generated html of express app looks this:

<html style="" class=" js no-touch svg inlinesvg svgclippaths no-ie8compat"> <head> ... <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/mouse.js"></script> ... </head> <body class="antialiased" style=""><div class="row"><div class="row"> <script> var mouse; var x = 0; var y = 0; window.onload = function() {  alert(mouse());//=> undefined  mouse = mouse();   mouse.setmousemovecallback(function(e){ //this line fails: "cannot call method 'setmousemovecallback' of undefined"   x = e.x;   y = e.y;   alert("move");  }); } ... </html> 

the include script tag in header adds javascript file:

function mouse(onobject){ var mousedown = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], mousedowncount = 0; var mousedowncallbacks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var mousetracer = 0; var traceposarray; var target = onobject;  if(!onobject){     onobject = document; }  onobject.onmousedown = function(evt) {      mousedown[evt.button] = 1;     mousedowncount--;     if(mousedowncallbacks[evt.button] != 0){         mousedowncallbacks[evt.button](evt);     } } onobject.onmouseup = function(evt) {     mousedown[evt.button] = 0;     mousedowncount--; }  var mousemovecallback; onobject.onmousemove = function(evt){     //tracing mouse here:     if(mousetracer){         traceposarray.push([evt.pagex,evt.pagey]);     }      if(mousemovecallback){         mousemovecallback(evt);     } }  var mousewheelcallback; onobject.onmousewheel = function(evt){     if(mousewheelcallback){         mousewheelcallback(evt);     } }  var mouseovercallback; onobject.onmouseover = function(evt){     if(mouseovercallback){         mouseovercallback(evt);     } }  var mouseoutcallback; onobject.onmouseout = function(evt){     if(mouseoutcallback){         mouseoutcallback(evt);     } }   //todo: there bug when move mouse out while pressing button. key still counted "pressed" though release outside of intended area //note: might have fixed bug. further investigation making smaller element. this.anydown = function(){     if(mousedowncount){         for(p in mousedown){             if(mousedown[p]){                 return true;             }         }     } }  this.setleftdowncallbackfunction = function(fun){     mousedowncallbacks[0] = fun;                 } this.setrightdowncallbackfunction = function(fun){     mousedowncallbacks[2] = fun;                 } this.setmiddledowncallbackfunction = function(fun){     mousedowncallbacks[4] = fun;                 }  this.setspcifieddowncallbackfunction = function(num, fun){     mousedowncallbacks[num] = fun;               }  this.leftdown = function(){     if(mousedowncount){         return mousedown[0] != 0;     } } this.rightdown = function(){     if(mousedowncount){         return mousedown[2] != 0;     } } this.middledown = function(){     if(mousedowncount){         return mousedown[4] != 0;     } }  this.setmousemovecallback = function (callback){     mousemovecallback = callback; } this.setmousewheelcallback = function (callback){     mousewheelcallback = callback; } this.setmouseovercallback = function (callback){     mouseovercallback = callback; } this.setmouseoutcallback = function (callback){     mouseoutcallback = callback; }  this.enabletracer = function(){     traceposarray = new array();     mousetracer = 1; }  this.getmousetracerdata = function() {     return traceposarray; }  } 

so: have assured js file loaded. none less not able access mouse() method in window.onload function in body, shows undefined. strange me because if create html file same thing able access it.

what going on here? there magic trickery in node.js / express disables kind of interaction?

additional notes:

  • i using jade template engine.
  • the "mouse.js" file works. have used several times before.
  • i using communication between client , server.

complete header:

<head><title>my awesome title</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/foundation.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/normalize.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/style.css"><script type="text/javascript" src="/"></script><style type="text/css"></style><script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/vendor/custom.modernizr.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/vendor/zepto.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/mouse.js"></script><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" name="viewport"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"></head> 

that throw error if mouse function undefined. reason alert shows 'undefined' mouse function doesn't return anything, hence undefined. should used constructor, in 'new mouse()'


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