sql server - SQl Query to break results into specifically sized groups -

i need write query identify 5 groups of different size. know can use ntile break set equal size groups need this

total records 1,000,000  group 1 100,000 rows group 2 200,000 rows group 3 300,000 rows group 4 400,000 rows 


well, use row_number() , logic on top of that:

select (case when seqnum <= 100000 'group1'              when seqnum <= 100000 + 200000 'group2'              when seqnum <= 100000 + 200000 + 300000 'group3'              when seqnum <= 100000 + 200000  + 300000 + 400000 'group4'          end) groupname,        t.* (select t.*,              row_number() on (order <your criteria>) seqnum       t      ) t 


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