android - Issues with JSON Parsing Objects and Arrays -
im having issue following code im using parse json objects , arrays. please see following json data im trying gettext , insert textviews. reason im getting error summary
cannot found. please see jsonparser class details.
trying parse following url summary data.
checking url in json validater ( following
{ "energy_month": 31132, "current_power": 4210, "modules": 24, "energy_today": 14666, "system_id": 165756, "energy_week": 215504, "source": "microinverters", "energy_lifetime": 1545467, "summary_date": "2013-05-02t00:00:00-07:00" }
how here code im using try , parse few of these strings (energy_month) (current_power) etc. in have class parse either array or object. may need fixed.
protected arraylist<string> doinbackground(final string... args) { jsonparser jparser = new jsonparser(); arrfortextviews=new arraylist<string>(); // using apikey strings.xml string apikey = getstring(r.string.apikey); sharedpreferences settings = getsharedpreferences(prefs_name, 0); string systemid = settings.getstring("systemid", ""); //jsonarray json = jparser.getjsonfromurl(url2 + systemid + "/summary?&key=" + apikey); jsonobject json2 = jparser.getjsonfromurl2(url2 + systemid + "/summary?&key=" + apikey); //for (int = 0; < json2.length(); i++) { //i = index try { //jsonobject c = json2.getjsonobject(i); //jsonobject geometry = json2.getjsonobject("summary"); log.e("json parser", json2 + args.tostring()); string current_power = json2.getstring(tag_current_power); string energy_lifetime = json2.getstring(tag_energy_lifetime); arrfortextviews.add(current_power); arrfortextviews.add(energy_lifetime); } catch (jsonexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); log.e("json parser", json2 + e.tostring()); } return arrfortextviews; }
public class jsonparser { private static final context context = null; static inputstream = null; static jsonobject jarray = null; static jsonarray jarray2 = null; static string json = ""; // constructor public jsonparser() { } public jsonobject getjsonfromurl2(string url) { stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder(); httpclient client = new defaulthttpclient(); httpget httpget = new httpget(url); try { httpresponse response = client.execute(httpget); statusline statusline = response.getstatusline(); int statuscode = statusline.getstatuscode(); if (statuscode == 200) { httpentity entity = response.getentity(); inputstream content = entity.getcontent(); bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(content)); string line; while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { builder.append(line); } } else { log.e("==>", "no response, check api key"); toast.maketext(context,"error response, check api key", toast.length_long).show(); } } catch (clientprotocolexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } // try parse string json object try { jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(builder.tostring()); jarray = jobj.getjsonobject("summary"); log.e("json parser", jobj + url.tostring()); } catch (jsonexception e) { log.e("json parser", "error parsing data " + e.tostring()); log.e("json parser", json + url + e.tostring()); } // return json string return jarray; } public jsonarray getjsonfromurl(string url) { stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder(); httpclient client = new defaulthttpclient(); httpget httpget = new httpget(url); try { httpresponse response = client.execute(httpget); statusline statusline = response.getstatusline(); int statuscode = statusline.getstatuscode(); if (statuscode == 200) { httpentity entity = response.getentity(); inputstream content = entity.getcontent(); bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(content)); string line; while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) { builder.append(line); } } else { log.e("==>", "no response, check api key"); toast.maketext(context,"error response, check api key", toast.length_long).show(); } } catch (clientprotocolexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } // try parse string json object try { jsonobject jobj = new jsonobject(builder.tostring()); jarray2 = jobj.getjsonarray("systems"); log.e("json parser", jarray2 + json + url.tostring()); } catch (jsonexception e) { log.e("json parser", "error parsing data " + e.tostring()); log.e("json parser", json + url + e.tostring()); } // return json string return jarray2; }
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